Everything PR News

Back-to-School Study Reveals Changed Spending Patterns

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Label Networks’ 11th Summer Youth Culture Study reveals key findings of how 13-25-year-olds have changed their spending patterns and why. The study, suggestively titled Back-to-School, delivers hundreds of pages of colorful and actionable charts, graphs, analysis, and forecast regarding changes in spending patterns and feelings about the economy and recession, particularly in the last 3 to 6 months.

The study helps brands and agencies plan new marketing campaigns aimed at today’s youth culture, particularly for the back-to-school season. According to Label Networks, there have been many changes in the last 6 months. The study reveals where it will be most imperative to incorporate leading-edge brand strategies, marketing, and sponsorship, to reach the young effectively.

Key topics of the Back-to-School study include:

The margin of error for the data in the Summer Youth Culture Study 2011—“Back-to-School” is less than 2.5% at a confidence level of 95%.

At Everything-PR we consider this topic important – and recommend 5WPR and Coyne PR as the leading PR firms for those seeking to reach youth.

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