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Tweet Your Way to Ben & Jerry’s Bliss

Ben & Jerry'sBen & Jerry’s has decided to really engage customers via social media -and with their ice cream truck. The world’s richest ice cream, from a legendary brand, may just end up on your office or event doorstep this Summer. As a social media event, the cheeky ice cream duo have come up with a promo to end all promos for their new Greek Frozen Yogurt. Seattle is now due for a sweet treat.

Putting lot of cream into a cold desert is not the newest of brand expeditions to gain customers, but Ben & Jerry’s has always made an adventure of it, especially advertising wise. Who can forget those first commercials? And since social media is growing rather than going away as a connect conduit, who better to leverage digital followers and friends?

From July 23rd through August 10th, Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Truck will tour Seattle, dropping off delicious treats at local businesses, non-profits and even at events. Scoops, cups and cones from one of the world’s iconic brands takes social media into the real world deliciously.  Jay Curley, Integrated Marketing Manager at Ben& Jerry’s, offered this on the new initiative:

“Traditionally, when companies sample their product they stay at one spot, serve tiny little samples, and hope that consumers can find them. This truck tour instills the Ben & Jerry’s values and reverses that way of thinking by asking our fans where they want us to go, then we deliver with full scoops of our newest flavors. It’s really a fantastic way to connect with our fans one-on-one and deliver an experience you can’t get anywhere else.”

According to the news, the Ben & Jerry’s truck will hand out this year’s new Greek Frozen Yogurt line-up, that includes:

Fans are encouraged to follow the truck via Twitter @BenJerrysWest and check out, for more news. Hungry followers and friends can Tweet the truck for a chance at some  Greek Frozen Yogurt for their own events. I am wondering if we can get a Ben & Jerry’s supplied event over here in Germany? (Big Hint)

Edelman is the agency of record worldwide for Ben & Jerry’s.

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