Tagged: edelman

Delivering 5-Star Hedge Fund PR

Although there are some similarities between mutual funds and hedge funds, knowing and strategizing for these differences is an important pathway toward achieving success. People generally invest in hedge funds to maximize their returns...

A Bright Future For PR

Public relations firms are elated following the release of a recent report by the Business Research Company saying that sales from the profession are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)...


News From 5WPR, Finn Partners, and Edelman PR

A busy few weeks for the PR industry has kept public relations professionals occupied with staying abreast of the most recent developments. New partnerships create new opportunities, and so with that in mind, many...

Learning from the Edelman Earned Brand Study 0

Learning from the Edelman Earned Brand Study

  On the back of the success of Nike’s Just Do It anniversary campaign, public relations firm Edelman has run the numbers: consumers all over the world would much rather spend their money on...

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