Tagged: PR Campaign

Tips on Creating PR Campaigns 

Some of the top public relations campaigns have been executed by companies that were able to formulate and develop their public image in a way that relates to the target audience and influences purchasing...

pr campaign

Grabbing Attention With PR Campaigns

Every company these days is struggling to get the attention of more people and convert them into consumers. Whether they’re trying to achieve that goal with social media platforms, search engine ads, or email...

experiential marketing examples

Creating a Successful Event PR Campaign

A vital piece of every promotional strategy is public relations, especially when promoting events for a company. Plenty of the time local media outlets tend to target a local community, which means media coverage...


PR Lessons from Unions

Great PR is often associated with Mad Men of Madison Ave, Silicon Valley wizards, or seasoned warriors on K Street. But that’s oversimplifying things, and underestimating some of the best PR operatives in the...

Building a PR Bridge 0

Building a PR Bridge

When you build a bridge in an area considered to be protected by an act of Congress, it takes another act of Congress to begin the process. But sometimes that’s necessary when the existing...