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Is Corporate Ghost Blogging Ethical?

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Should upper management hire ghost bloggers to pen their blog posts? How, and when, should ghost bloggers be used? Some experts are dead set against bloggers, while others argue that no harm is done by ghost blogging.

Mark Schaefer

Mark Schaefer, writing at Ragan.com, provides some compelling guidelines that ensure that a corporate ghost blogger works closely with the executive to make sure that their opinion is reflected accurately in any blog posts or other materials created by the ghost blogger.

Schaefer includes checks and balances in his ghostwriting process such as having the executive provide key thoughts to the ghost blogger and making sure that the executive approves each blog post. He even suggests that blog contributors be acknowledged on the blog’s “about” page. Under these guidelines, it seems the ghost blogger would be functioning as an assistant to the busy CEO or other busy executive.

Schaefer’s guidelines for ghost blogging seem very reasonable, so what is the issue with ghost blogging?

According to those who frown on the practice of ghost blogging for executives, the main argument seems to be that ghost blogging cannot truly capture the voice of the executive and therefore cannot accurately represent him or her online.

There could even be some deception going on if a ghost blogger is more knowledgeable and articulate than the management player that he or she represents. I think there’s a particular danger of deception if the executive gives the ghost blogger free reign, doesn’t review posts before they are published, or simply rubber stamps whatever the ghost writer writes.

Of course, it’s very important to note that ghost writing is not limited to blogging. Very few executives (or politicians, or celebrities) write their own material. That bestselling autobiography written by your favorite celebrity–probably ghostwritten. That touching speech you heard your favorite politician make on TV–also probably ghostwritten.

Here are some other posts on the topic (in no particular order).

What do you think of this controversy? Would you advise an executive to hire a ghost blogger? Why, or why not?

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