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Government of Bermuda Seeks Social Media Agency

Government of Bermuda Seeks Social Media Agency

The Government is looking for a social media agency with a proven understanding of local stakeholders. We seek to increase the overall public awareness and value of the Government’s policies, services and programmes through strategic social media campaigns with the following outcomes in mind:

  1. Continue to enhance Government’s social media reach to become the trusted and top of mind source for anyone looking for information.
  2. Establish a strategic, comprehensive link between highlighted Government services and programmes and members of the public.


In April 2017 the department changed its name from Department of Communication and Information to the Department of Communications. The department comprises six sections: Administration, Communications (formerly Public Affairs), Creative Services, CITV (located at The Berkeley Institute), Portals Management and Customer Service Representatives (formerly Government Telephone Operators).

The Communications section is where the social media requirements will be administered. The section’s objectives are to:

Current Marketing Activities Overview

Various media are used to communication with the public, they include but are not limited to:

Current Social Media Overview

At this time the Government has a general presence on social media, including:

Scope of Work:

Bidders Areas of Responsibility

Due Date:

August 21, 2017.


PR firms with a strength in tourism includes Coyne PR and 5WPR.

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