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Qorvis Communications – Says Nothing To The Web

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Qorvis Communications

Continuing down the list of the most influential PR firms in the world, we find Qorvis Communications, ranked 6th in terms of fees in 2007. Qurvis is an interesting company on many levels. Over $30 million in fees for a company with only 86 employees in fascinating in itself, but being an entity without an imminently apparent leader is as well. As far as corporate websites go, the Qorvis on is a shambles compared to some of those of competitors.

The site lacks nothing in beautiful imagery, but aside a wonderful portfolio interactive, nothing that implies digital world engagement exists. We have raised the question; “How can huge firms claim to be in the Web community without a true engagement?”, to which only a few have responded. My new question is; “Why even bother or waste resources if a facade is all there is?”

Beautiful graphics relay the nebulous message – Qorvis Communications PR

Qorvis: Making Friends and Gaining Influence

Perhaps corporate focus and clientele have something to do with this “trend”, as Qorvis does really represent what can be considered a Web based client. This seems strange in the digital age, and particularly since the company advertises interactive web communications. This indicates to me at least, that they would like to have some clients online. Logic tells us that engaging this niche requires just that, right? Well, at least the company is aware of certain needs for Web insertion, and I quote from the site:

“Having a great website is the first step in creating a comprehensive communications strategy but it is definitely not enough….Search Engine Optimization, blogs, social networking sites, destination sites, online games, and so on are complementary to a great website and natural extensions that falls within the overall communications strategy.”

Wheel, Wheel, Who’s Got The Wheel?

Ho Hum Hypocrisy

The three blogs linked to the corporate site have excellent content, but like most of the other “Titan’s” blogs, no engagement. I ask again, “why bother?” These issues leave the impression that no one at Qorvis has the slightest idea of what social media communication is about. I simply must quote again from the firm’s only “on-site” blog component:

“The moral of the story is no matter what type of business you have or who your audience is, it has become clear that social media should be a significant component of your marketing mix.”

I can only hope these blogs support trackbacks, so that maybe my little criticisms will effect at least the traffic there. We are seeing so many examples of how “saying it is so”, appears to be enough for not only giant PR firms, but their clients as well. Many people think this is what PR is any way, a hype machine aimed at a client’s goals. The really sad part is, with just a fraction more resource and effort, any of these leviathans of communication could have the next generation of website, with tools that would engage millions. In short, a proof positive that there is something in the “pudding”.

Monuments To Mediocrity

As a monument or even sign post for Qorvis’ expertise or image, their current site is a waste of time and money. They may as well have put a paid ad on one of our least favorite blogs. I hate being so critical. When I go to these sites I half expect to see something extraordinary. So far, I have been impressed by at least some of the people, if not the level of value placed on Web presence. I think a challenge is in order.

What Are You Prepared To Do?

When I hear people say they want to be the best, they want to rise above, or how great much they can do for me, I remember a great line from The Untouchables. Sean Connery asked Kevin Costner; “What are you prepared to do?” It is a riveting suggestion for what getting the top and staying there – winning. For the people at any of these agencies, and especially Qorvis, it requires energy directed at both image and the reality of what the company stands for. So, I suggest you invest a tenth of your business development budget on your online business.

With one tenth the money you guys spend on pretending to be Web gurus, our team could project your reali value and expertise so much more effectively, You would be surprised how simple it is given the resources. Yes, it will require a little time from all those “names” on your people page.

Yes, some investment in cutting edge media and other tools will be there. In the end however, at the very least a good image of who you are will be built. Image is everything in the end as you know. Your current one is as hollow as a stump sticking out to the digital mud fellows. So, what are you prepared to do?

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