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Denver Urban Renewal Agency Wants A Marketing & PR Company

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The Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA), the redevelopment agency responsible for urban renewal in the region – and charged with assisting the city in eliminating and preventing slums and blighted areas – is seeking a marketing and public relations company.

DURA is seeking a firm to help tell the message that Denver is a city “that is livable for all its people, now and in the future. A city in which they can learn, move about, work and play in safety, comfort, with pleasure and pride, and in a spirit of openness and opportunity.”

Today, urban renewal is under increased public scrutiny. As Colorado’s largest urban renewal authority, this government agency seeks help telling the story of who DURA is and what they do. As the RFP describes, they also want to “communicate the collective value of DURA to the city and our contributions to the economy, the vibrancy of our neighborhoods, jobs and the lives of Denver citizens.”

As such the selected PR firm should build support for DURA and its activities, and position “DURA as a valued, trusted and respected resource” who is successful at partnerning with the city.

The RFP requests assistance with brand positioning and messaging – to be followed by a full-scale, ongoing marketing and PR campaign. The successful agency will have experience in issues management, strategic and crisis communications programming, media relations and more.

The firm is expected to be chosen by November 19, 2015. Inquiries should be directed to Robbin Eldredge, Administrative Services Director, (303) 534-387, reldredge@renewdenver.org.

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