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Oregon Lottery Issues Marketing RFP

Oregon Lottery Issues Marketing RFP

The Oregon State Lottery Commission is seeking an agency to deliver marketing communications services that support Lottery’s programs and other marketing outreach efforts.

Lottery’s mission is to operate a statewide lottery with the highest standards of security and integrity to earn maximum profits for the people of Oregon, commensurate with the public good. Every year, the Lottery generates over $1 billion in sales of its many products. The Lottery sells many different games, and is responsible for managing a diversified product portfolio. In line with Lottery’s mission of maximizing revenue, Lottery’s goal is to communicate the availability of different products appealing to adult Oregonians, with the goal of increasing sales and thus transferring additional revenue to the state of Oregon.

Lottery’s main products are supported with marketing efforts throughout the year. The products listed below are in order of the revenue generated for the state (individually the “Product,” collectively the “Products”):

  1. Video LotterySM
  2. Scratch-itsSM
  3. Jackpot Games ( Powerball®, Mega Millions® and Oregon’s Game MegabucksSM)
  4. Keno
  5. RaffleSM

Each Product appeals to a specific group of players, and as such, must be advertised in a unique way. While there is a great amount of cross-play amongst Lottery games, a Scratch-its core player (a player who has played a Scratch-its game within the past 12 months, and plays at least once per month) has a different set of attributes than a Keno core player (a player who has played a Keno game within the past 12 months, and plays at least once per month), and all Lottery Products present us with distinct opportunities and challenges. Making the most out of Lottery’s communication efforts is paramount to allow Lottery’s Products to break through the clutter and generate the highest possible revenue for the state.

Twice a year, Lottery conducts a research tracking study to better understand how Oregonians perceive Lottery games and the overall Lottery brand. Using the Spring/Summer 2016 study as a benchmark, below are a few key facts about Lottery players and their attributes:

• Just over half of all adult Oregonians play Oregon Lottery games (54%).
• Over 60% of adult Oregonians have played an Oregon Lottery game.
• 68% of Lottery’s current players have played Oregon Lottery games for at least five years.
• Lottery players are 48 years old on average, equally likely to be female or male, and most likely live in the Portland (45%) or the Willamette Valley (26%) regions.
• Nearly two-thirds (62%) of Oregon adults have a positive opinion of the Oregon Lottery.

Video Lottery Case Study
Starting in 2015, the Lottery advertised its highest revenue-generating Product, Video Lottery, more widely on broadcast media. As a result of these recent advertising efforts, the Lottery has successfully seen in the past two years an increase in Video Lottery playership. According to the Spring/Summer 2016 study, Video Lottery playership held steady at an all-time high of just over 14%. Survey data indicate this result reflects higher incidence of players who are new to the Lottery as well as established players who decided to try Video Lottery games.

It is important that Lottery’s Product campaigns incorporate, at its core, a message that encourages responsible gambling practices by Lottery players. The Lottery’s most recent Excite Your Night campaign is a prime example of the balancing act that Lottery must practice every day: to responsibly grow the player base, by encouraging players to play Video Lottery games.

The most recent Excite Your Night Video Lottery advertisements can be viewed via the following hyperlinks:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crc7pm6By4s (Jazz It Up) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaQpoivffns (Punch It Up) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30iDhIM_2m8 ( Play Responsibly)

Scope of Work:

During the term of the Price Agreement, the successful Proposer will work proactively with Lottery on an on-going basis to help identify strategic direction in support and in alignment with Lottery’s Traditional and Video Lottery Product portfolios. This may include general strategic input, directed brainstorming and ideation, secondary research compilation, interaction with Lottery fund recipient agencies, communication plan recommendations and the like. In its strategic planning capacity, the successful Proposer will make recommendations to Lottery on how to effectively communicate to diverse audiences, with the inclusion of messages that are culturally competent to diverse groups and relevant across all generations.

If requested by Lottery, the successful Proposer will develop creative concepts for any combination of Lottery’s multi-media Product advertisements. Creative development may include traditional advertisements for television, digital and social media, radio, print, direct mail, out-of-home, point- of-purchase, collateral materials; and any other non-traditional advertising, advertisements or marketing outreach efforts not already listed in this section (individually or collectively referred to as “Non-Traditional Advertisements”) that Lottery selects to support its Product Advertising Program.

The successful Proposer may be required to interact with other Lottery contractors to extend concepts to web, digital, social media and events, as well as other advertising areas outside the Product Advertising Program.
The successful Proposer will develop creative solutions based upon a Lottery-supplied creative brief that outlines the messaging, target audience, tone, and executional considerations. The creative solutions developed by the Successful Proposer utilizing Lottery’s creative brief will be finalized through an iterative process to ensure such solutions are in line with Lottery’s creative direction. The successful Proposer will prepare and submit a production timeline for all deliverables up to the final delivery of the Lottery selected and approved advertisement(s) or marketing materials to Lottery. The successful Proposer will deliver work in a variety of formats as requested by Lottery.

Proposer must be versed and have demonstrated experience in Multicultural Marketing which is the practice of marketing to one or more audiences of a specific ethnicity, typically an ethnicity outside of a country’s majority culture, which is sometimes called the general market.

If requested by Lottery, the successful Proposer will produce and deliver any combination of Lottery’s approved multi-media advertisements. Production planning and execution may include advertisements for television, digital and social media, radio, print, out-of-home, point-of-purchase, collateral materials, merchandising displays, promotional items, and any other advertising or marketing outreach effort that Lottery selects to support its Product Advertising Program.

As part of the production planning, the successful Proposer will prepare and submit a production timeline for all deliverables up to the final delivery of the selected and approved electronic master of each advertisement or advertising materials to Lottery.
1. For television advertisements, the successful Proposer’s Services may include: negotiate, arrange, and manage aspects of and contracting for directors, producers, production services, props, talent and associated fees, licensing rights, and any other services required to produce and deliver television advertisement(s).

2. For digital and social media advertisements, the successful Proposer’s Services may include: negotiate, arrange, and manage aspects of and contracting for production services, talent and associated fees, licensing rights, and any other services required to produce and deliver the digital and social media advertisement(s).

3. For radio advertisements, the successful Proposer’s Services may include: negotiate, arrange, and manage aspects of and contracting for production services, talent and associated fees, licensing rights, and any other services required to produce and deliver radio advertisement(s).

4. For print, out-of-home, point-of-purchase, collateral materials, merchandising displays, promotional items, and any other advertising or marketing outreach efforts, the successful Proposer’s Services may include: negotiate, arrange, and manage aspects of and contracting for photographers, illustrators, licensing rights, and any other services required to produce and deliver the advertisements. The successful Proposer’s Services may also include managing the actual print or other manufacturing services and coordinating delivery as requested by Lottery.

Due Date:
June 28, 2017

Lottery Procurement Analyst: Julie Schmoyer
Oregon State Lottery
500 Airport Road SE
Salem, OR 97301

Agencies who have worked on lotteries include Ketchum PR and Burson Marsteller.

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