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Spreaker Does for Audio what Twitter Does for Text

Spreaker Twitter for audio
Spreaker: Twitter for audio

Spreaker launched today its free app for broadcasting live audio on Android devices. With the new app, users can broadcast live on the Internet, using nothing but the microphone existing in their Android or iPhone smartphones.

For readers unfamiliar with Spreaker, this is a podcasting tool, that allows anyone to create, broadcast and share a personal live podcast across the Internet. Spreaker offers a set of tools which include a web-based mixing console, a music & sound effects library, and the ability to broadcast live audio through a widget which can be embedded across websites, social networks and blogs.

The archived audio or podcasts can be downloaded as MP3 files, and iTunes-compatible RSS feeds can be used to syndicate the content anywhere. The company offers a number of plans, including a free plan useful for those who want to test before they buy.

Spreaker harnesses Facebook’s 800MM global active Facebook users and the 835MM smartphone users, which is likely to ramp to more than to 1.4B within two years. Spreaker does for audio what Twitter does for text and YouTube does for video: makes it makes it easy to share audio content across social networks. Users can connect Spreaker to social network accounts like Facebook and Twitter and broadcast live as a status update. Friends and fans alike can listen live or later as a podcast.

Spreaker allows users to distribute live audio content across the internet by using the web platform or mobile apps, which stream in high-quality 128 kilobits stereo. The platform can also be used to record other types of audio, as well as to edit and mix audio files, and chat live with listeners everywhere.

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