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Stats Squared: Twitter Analytics Tool Sets Aim on Winning Global Startup Weekend

Twitter PR

We at EverythingPR News have the exclusive on a company called Stats Squared that is out of Indianapolis, IN. We have the exclusive because it’s a company I founded. :) @StatsSquared was born out of the Indianapolis Startup Weekend and is all of 108 hours old. The premise is that you have 56 hours to build a viable business, and if you can – go live. Stats Squared won the 4th annual Indianapolis Startup Weekend and 1st ever Indianapolis Startup Weekend Battle. We are now a part of the Global Startup Battle and you can vote for us here . The amount of buzz we’ve created in those 108 hours is well, pretty awesome.

The Twitter tool we’ve created focuses around the CTR and link maturation on Twitter links. What can be done to make it easier for marketers, advertisers and media alike to track these links? And there’s a lot of them. Stats Squared highlighted on its initial blog a September Tech Crunch article that has a pretty startling number: there are 75 tweets per second that contain a link on Twitter.

“We’re trying to give you the analytics around all of those links, every–last–one,” says Joshua Mitchell. Tracking and calculating the analytics around links on Twitter can be exhaustive — Stats Squared wants to be the tool you turn to for such requests. For the industries that depend on Twitter as a vertical to develop conversation, page views and closed transactions, links can be the most important thing to their clients bottom line.

What is Stats Squared?
Have you always wanted to know what your Click-Through Rate (CTR) was on Twitter? Are your links on Twitter generating any page-views? Is that $2000 a month you’re spending on that “social media guru” for his influence to tweet for you actually working? Stats Squared gives you that information and more with our first analytics tool. Organize and research the Click-Through Rates of all of your accounts, and peak in on any other accounts analytics too.

Stats Squared can be defined as a simplification tool, as expressed here by Brandon Corbin (part of the founding team) in the Startup Weekend Battle final video: “Stats Squared is a tool to help people with multiple Twitter accounts be able to effectively see what’s going on in one simple to use interface.” There are users and companies alike that have multiple Twitter accounts, whether 5 or 50 — currently there is not an effective tool that gives you a digested view of the statistics across all of those accounts. “All we are doing is being able to take that view, condense it into a single frame, and you can get to all of this data in about 5 seconds,” says Brandon.

Daniel Palmier, an entrepreneur noted that technology keeps growing and changing and its never possible to have enough information on the changing nature of digital media.

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