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Intercity Transit In Thurston County, Washington Issues Marketing RFP


Transit PR - Marketing RFP

Intercity Transit (Transit), the public transportation provider in Thurston County, Washington, has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in order to establish a Contract for Marketing, Communication, and Video Production Services. Transit is seeking responses from qualified  firms interested in providing marketing, communication, and video production services which align with Transit’s professional image, goal achievement, and branding.

Scope of work includes:

  1. Promote Transit services that result in increased ridership and use.
  2. Increase awareness of the value and benefit Transit provides to key audiences. This includes area residents, commuters, youth, seniors, employers, community organizations, and other designated stakeholder groups.
  3. Build and maintain positive relationships with Transit customers, taxpayers, community partners, and news media, among others.
  4. Advance the Transit brand and the delivery of a positive brand promise
  5. Inform customers, stakeholders and the general public about Transit news and activities
  6. Position Transit as a customer-focused, cost effective, and valuable public service agency in Thurston County and as an innovative leader in the public transportation industry.
  7. Encourage community and stakeholder participation in Transit’s planning efforts and public involvement opportunities.


Transit is the leader, major advocate, and primary source of public transportation in Thurston County. As such, Transit is charged to balance several important functions: providing primary transportation for people without an alternative, including those with a physical or mental disability; offering high-quality alternative transportation for people with options; providing a stimulant to economic growth; serving as a partner in building livable communities; and, being a ready resource able to respond to community emergencies.

Intercity Transit’s mission is to provide and promote transportation choices that support an accessible, sustainable, livable, healthy and prosperous community. The agency’s marketing and communications work supports its mission with strong community partnerships, broad public engagement, youth education and trip reduction programs, and initiatives reflective of being a good public steward.


The Awarded Contractor(s) will provide Marketing and Communication Services including:

  1. Marketing Services

The Awarded Contractor will develop, implement, measure and maintain Transit pre-approved marketing campaigns, promotions, programs and materials for Transit stakeholder groups including,: current and potential customers, commuters, students, seniors, and the general public.  Examples may include:

  1. Develop and/or support targeted ridership campaigns and specific market promotions. This may include strategic development, research, and implementation assistance.
  2. Maintain and update the existing comprehensive service guide (transit guide), numerous other service brochures, and collateral materials in both printed and electronic formats.
  3. Produce and update customer information including transit center signage and on- street bus stop information and kiosk displays.
  4. Develop a style guide to coordinate the look, voice, and tone of all Intercity Transit communications.
  5. Create vehicle graphic design for paint and/or vinyl “Super graphic” applications for buses, vans and other fleet vehicles.
  6. Develop materials and support student and commuter programs.
  7. Develop advertisements for digital, audio, and print media.
  8. Produce graphics for transit fare materials (i.e. bus passes, stickers).
  9. Develop materials for transit fairs and community events.
  10. Apply community-based social marketing principles to enhance transit marketing efforts.
  11. Assist with social media and mobile applications to maximize effectiveness of marketing activities and stakeholder engagement.
  12. Support the development, implementation and evaluation of marketing programs for Transit’s high frequency transit corridors and customized ‘smart trips’ efforts.
  13. Support the Transit’s Strategic Marketing & Communications Plan. This may include review of the existing document, identifying marketing messages and channels, and working with Transit staff on strategic marketing planning for the future.

Communication Services

Examples include:

  1. Assist with the writing and/or editing of external communications pieces including the Transit’s print and digital publications to businesses and residents within its public transportation benefit area (PTBA).
  2. Assist with the development of print or electronic feature stories, industry best practice articles, and media materials.  The intent is to produce positive press coverage among traditional, new, and industry media.
  3. Support public involvement activity by developing materials and strategies to successfully attract broad stakeholder comment on the interests and services of Transit.
  4. Assist with social media and mobile applications to maximize effectiveness of communications activities and stakeholder engagement.
  5. Assist with rider, non-rider and stakeholder communications and public outreach efforts.  This may include strategic planning, development of public information and fact sheets, outreach materials and tactics, and special event, media and advertising support.
  6. Support special events and community outreach efforts through attendance and participation in concert with Transit staff.  Support may include preparation for public presentations including, but not limited to, PowerPoint materials.
  7. Provide materials and tools that could support communications during a transit or community emergency.
  8. Support the update of Transit’s Crisis Communications Plan. This may include review of the existing document, working with Transit staff on communications planning for the future, and drafting a new document.
  9. Provide communications consultancy during emergency situations requiring sensitive and/or heightened public or media engagement.

Video Production Services

The Awarded Contractor will support the development and production of videos and photography for communications, education and marketing applications. This may include script writing, filming coordination, and post-production editing. Examples of specific duties may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Provide or facilitate drone aerial photography and/or video production. Draft scripts and conduct post-production editing as necessary.
  2. Develop and produce creative video and/or photography that captures requirements of a specific work activity.
  3. Provide video and/or photography in a mutually agreed upon format, which may include compatibility with internet player software, ability to be posted and played on Transit’s website, ability to stream on YouTube, ability to be played in a DVD player, etc.

Proposal due by November 18, 2016 to:

Intercity Transit

526 Pattison Street SE Olympia, WA 98501

CONTACT PERSON: Katie Cunningham

Procurement Coordinator (360) 705- 5837


Prominent PR firms in Washington include Waggener Edstrom, Porter Novelli and APCO Worldwide.

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