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United Nations Media Monitoring RFP

United Nations Media Monitoring RFP

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued a media monitoring RFP.  They seek someone able to perform following tasks: monitoring, recording and providing a. daily and b. monthly clipping reports on listed media outlets (TV, print and online media) that mention UNDP and UN in Bosnia and Herzegovina, its work and corresponding issues. All of the collected articles/materials need to be available for UNDP to access through a (searchable) web based platform. The company is expected to provide daily e-mail reports/alerts to designate UNDP staff (as per mailing list which will be delivered by the UNDP). The company will work under direct supervision of the UN Communications Specialist/ Head of Communications.

The Company will be responsible for (deliverables):

  1. Daily monitoring of media listed below (Note: while the list represents minimum number of media to be covered by monitoring service, Offerors are encouraged to present full list of media that they monitor):


TV stations:

Web Portals:

News agencies:

  1. “HIV/AIDS” + “UNDP”
  2. “EXPLODE projekat”
  3. “prevencija katastrofa” + “UNDP”
  4. “uništavanje municije”, “uništavanje oružja” + “UNDP”
  5. “lokalni razvoj”+ “UNDP”

Proposal due by December 26 to:

United Nations Development Programme
Zmaja od Bosne bb
71 000 Sarajevo
Fax: 033 552 330
E-mail: registry.ba@undp.org

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