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Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority Issues Marketing RFP

Southern Group of State Foresters’ Forest Management Committee Issues Public Relations RFP

The Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (NAIPTA) has issued a marketing RFP. The Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (NAIPTA) began operations in the region on July 1, 2006. NAIPTA is the transit agency in northern Arizona operating the Mountain Line, Mountain Lift, and Mountain Link systems in Flagstaff. NAIPTA also coordinates services with Campus Shuttle Service at Northern Arizona University. The Mountain Line and Mountain Link fixed route systems offer daily service on eight routes on a fleet of 26 buses to nearly 2 million riders a year.


NAIPTA seeks an agency for:

Develop Marketing Campaigns

The contractor will work with NAIPTA staff to develop the overall theme and creative elements of marketing campaigns designed to promote NAIPTA’s services and attract new Mountain Line ridership.

Work Tasks and Deliverables

Development of Collateral and Printed Materials In addition to the components associated with marketing campaigns, NAIPTA has the need for several printed pieces and other collateral materials throughout the year. This includes, Ride Guides, posters, brochures, fliers, postcards, promotional items, and other specialty pieces.

Work Tasks and Deliverables

Brand Management and Graphic Design

In the absence of having an in‐house graphic designer, NAIPTA needs a contractor to design, manipulate and/or adjust elements of the Agency’s branding to fit specific needs.

Work Tasks and Deliverables

Social Media and Web Development

NAIPTA manages its own social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter, and handles the back‐end updates to the www.mountainline.az.gov website internally. But, there are occasions when NAIPTA staff needs professional advice about these platforms, and media/graphics created specifically for them.

Work Tasks and Deliverables


The contractor will conduct a Mountain Line Rider Satisfaction Survey at least every other year, and other survey/research work may be conducted in the off years. For example, the contractor may conduct a “Never Rider Survey.” In addition, the contractor will conduct a complementary Client Satisfaction Survey for Mountain Lift paratransit.

Work Tasks and Deliverables

Transit Ballot Initiatives

NAIPTA may be involved in local tax initiatives for transit and/or transportation. The contractor may be called upon to provide marketing and graphic design assistance.

Work Tasks and Responsibilities

Proposal due by March 28, 2017 to:
3773 N Kaspar Dr.
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004

Allison+Partners has Arizona offices.

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