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Infographic: Email Marketing Lives On and “How Come?”

We make no bones about telling our readers about products we find well worth the trouble, or even ones to stay away from, for the matter. For a few weeks I have been testing Vocus’ iContact services for an in  depth review, and for a number of reasons. Today an infographic from iContact reveals just some of how come you and I should be interested in email marketing systems.

If you study the iContact graphic below, several items bring into view just how effective mailing current and prospective clients or subscribers really is – still. The “still” part being perhaps the most surprising aspect, of course. Many, including this writer concluded at a point that email marketing, newsletters and the like, would be long gone by now. I was, we were, dead wrong. Check it out, and be sure and read to the end of this post too.

iContact email marketing piece

Everyone wants to reinvent the wheel, to create the proverbial “easy button”, and especially to outdistance their competition. What if you absolutely knew the best ROI possible came from email marketing? As bad as I hate to admit it, those newsletters piling up in my inbox have their effect even on the techie Internet guru. Not surprisingly, all those top retailers mailing you stuff don’t just do so as a matter of course. They spend millions generating those mails for one very good reason, millions of you open them.

Using the correct methods such as finely targeting and measuring campaigns, like Marketing Sherpa outlines here, conversions approaching 1 % are really possible. Think about this for a moment, you send out 100 mails and somebody buys your product. Using platforms like iContact sending 10,000 targeted mails and then measuring the results is about as close to an “easy button” as it gets, and I don’t work for Vocus either. don’t take my word for it anyhow, the preponderance of stats and reports out there show 70 percent of companies grade email marketing as excellent to good where ROI is concerned.

So why are we testing iContact? Sorry, I have been as transparent as anyone ever would be. Email marketing matters for all agencies – and some we suggest especially look at it include Zeno Group, Hunter PR & Lewis PR.

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