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Enterprise State Community College Business Office Issues Marketing RFP

Enterprise State Community College Business Office Issues Marketing RFP

The Enterprise State Community College Business Office (ESCC) is seeking an advertising and marketing agency.  They seek someone to conduct market research, develop an advertising strategy with an aim to primarily to recruit students for Enterprise State Community College (ESCC) which includes the Alabama Aviation Center (AAC) a unit of Enterprise State Community College. Enterprise State Community College (ESCC) was established in 1963 as one of the original twelve state junior colleges within the State of Alabama.



With a new logo and a new website launched in 2017, the College is looking for an advertising and/or marketing contractor or agency to continue to bolster the College ‘ s marketing and advertising approach using the latest and most effective tactics and technology available. The selected contractor or agency’ s efforts will coordinate with and supplement  the ongoing  work  by  ESCC’s Public Relations Department, which leads a host of public relations, media relations, graphic design and publication efforts for the College.

Proposals should include:

Proposal due by March 30 to:

Address RFP to:
Alonzetta Landrum-Sims, Dean of Finance and Administration Enterprise State Community College
Business Office, Room WA-114 600 Plaza Drive/ P. 0.  Box 1300
Enterprise, AL  36331

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