NIXdesign Inc. proudly announced their selection as the agency of record for Keep North Carolina Beautiful (KNCB). KNCB is a division of Keep America Beautiful, the largest American community improvement/education organization made up of volunteers and over 1,000 affiliates, as well as supporting organizations.
NIXdesign will be creating a complete brand for Keep North Carolina Beautiful. This includes everything from print to interactive media and advertising.
“Keep North Carolina Beautiful is excited to use new media to reach a broader audience with the messages of litter prevention, waste reduction and beautification,” said Executive Director Brenda Ewadinger. With the appeal of a new logo design, brand materials and a powerful new web site, we will enhance our effort to encourage individuals to take greater responsibility for the cleanliness of their environments.”
NIXdesign is based in Raleigh, NC, and offers strategic marketing and branding, as well as communications services, to their clients. The firm integrates print media, interactive designs, Web design and video into their branding services.
“I am thrilled to be working with Keep NC Beautiful because my firm has both a personal and professional interest in their mission. As one of Raleigh’s first interactive media firms, NIXdesign is “proud to be selected to develop the web site and branding campaign,” said Carol Fountain Nix, president of NIXdesign Inc.
Prominent PR Agencies in North Carolina include French West & Vaughan as well as Capstrat.