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SAARC Development Fund Seeks PR Firm

SAARC Development Fund (SDF) having its Secretariat at Thimphu,  Bhutan, was inaugurated by the Heads of State/ Governments of SAARC member states in April 2010 during the 16th SAARC summit in Thimphu.

The objectives of SDF are (i) To promote the welfare of the people of SAARC Region, (ii) To improve their quality of life, and (iii) To accelerate economic growth, social progress and poverty alleviation in the SAARC Region and (iv) To bring about Regional integration among the SAARC member states.

The SDF is seeking a PR Agency for the following scope of services:

  1. Integrated Communication:
    • To disseminate information on its activities & projects to all the SAARC Member States for the benefit of the general public and concerned stakeholders. Analyze the SDF activities, find the positive messages and translate those messages into positive media stories.
    • Execute communications programs which ensure that SDF’s positioning, internal communications, stakeholder engagement and media relations all tell a consistent story about SDF
    • Help SDF in creating different corporate documentary films/ short duration films covering its projects.
  2. Public Relations
    • Develop and implement a PR strategy for the next 2 years
    • Implementation of a sophisticated plan to modify the image &perceptions about  SDF and position SDF as an umbrella financial institution of SAARC projects and programs
    • Support on partnerships with regional and international organizations, financial institutions, industry key players etc
    • Co-op initiatives(co-branding, cooperative PR events, etc.)
    • Provide key messages to be used in all press and PR materials in consultation with SDF staff (key messages provided should be in-line with the overall positioning plan included in the PR strategy);
    • Draft and edit PR materials such as press releases, news items, editorials/op-eds, talking points, speeches and website content, in consultation with SDF staff, allowing sufficient time for revision and approval, including the SDF Newsletter, Bulletin and website;
    • Assist with copywriting and translation for PR and communications materials as needed
    • Provide comprehensive PR support to maximize the impact of launches related to SDF’s projects and programs including publications, reports, websites, and tools;
    • Ensure           effective         dissemination           of         all        SDF’s projects/programs,            messages, multimedia, and news items to relevant target audiences;
    • Maximize the impact of SDF’s presence during regional and international events
    • Provide public speaking, presentation and media training/workshops to SDF’s spokespersons, and identified SDF staff;
    • Create timelines and measuring tools to further monitor, report and evaluate PR activities/outcomes
    • Promote SDF through editorial coverage.
  3. Media Relations:
    • Facilitate drafting & distribution of all press releases, media announcements, etc.
    • Coordinate media attendance and management at SDF & its project events
    • Coordinate with media on issues related to SDF funded projects
    • Manage and act on all publicity opportunities such as SDF events, holidays, editorial calendars, etc.
    • Monitor all media coverage of the SDF and its related topics.
    • Potentially implement social media for specific campaigns or for specific events.
    • Maintain relationships with many different journalists in SAARC Member States
    • Expansion of SDF’s contacts via personal networking or attendance and sponsoring  at events
    • Coordinate with different print media, TV channels, etc to ensure appropriate campaigns/ programs, (such as films/documentaries, audio spots, video spots) are broadcasted appropriately in the Member States.
    • Ad Space – coordinate with publications for potential free ads/remnant space
    • Press Release(s) – include selected messaging all of your material (branding)
    • Tracking – Coordinate with IT department for Website updating on the related matters.
    • Coordinate with SDFs related department and management  as needed
    • Offer consistent communications while pushing out a campaign on what makes SDF’s projects so invaluable.
    • Be the media liaison and keeping all relevant information organized. Meetings, conference or phone calls, etc.
    • Coordinate with publication houses to release the advertisements in print media.
  4. Social Media & Digital Marketing:
    • Copy writing and blogging for the web (internal or external sites)
    • Content creation, community management (if needed), and conversation management (if needed) (Daily)
    • Creation of editorial calendars and selection of content to be activated through Social Media channels
    • Monitoring of Social Media Channels and creation of a monthly report with key activity and KPIs
    • Development of plans for Social Media and Influencer engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube

Submit proposals to:

Chief Executive Officer

SAARC Development Fund Secretariat 3rd Floor, BDBL Building

Norzin Lam Thimphu 11001

Bhutan Phone: +975-2-321152/321153 Fax:+975-2-321150


Major PR firms in India include Ketchum PR, Burson-Marsteller and Porter Novelli.

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