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UN Seeking Communications Agency For Armenia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is seeking a communications agency.

Purpose and Background

The 25th anniversary of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Armenia is an opportunity to reflect on the UNDP’s activities in Armenia since 1993 and take stock of its long-lasting achievements. It is also an opportunity to focus where the UNDP needs to further increase its efforts to address current and future challenges across the three pillars of its work: sustainable development, democratic governance, and climate and disaster resilience.

UNDP has been present in Armenia for 25 years, and holds a unique position as a neutral and key partner to the Government of Armenia, civil society and Armenian citizens. It works at the policy level, advising on legal and policy frameworks, while at the same time implementing projects to model innovative, sustainable solutions. UNDP also has an enormous reach across the country – in rural and urban areas and amongst a growing network of youth, innovators and social entrepreneurs.

Scope of Work

The objective is to develop a communications campaign, including development, production and roll-out of creative communications solutions/tools, to mark the 25th anniversary of UNDP’s establishment in Armenia. We are looking for innovative communications ideas and tools on how to best reach and meaningfully (emotionally) communicate (empathize) with the primary target audiences to reinforce UNDP as the “lead organization for change” and one of the leading development actors in Armenia.

The campaign should have also elements of resource mobilization – the communications content and materials should be designed with that in mind.

Through this communications campaign, UNDP in Armenia would like:

Proposal due on May 22nd, 2017 to:

United Nations Development Programme / UNDP
14 Petros Adamyan St.
Yerevan 0010
Republic of Armenia

Agencies with strong international experience include Burson-Marsteller and APCO Worldwide.

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