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University of Keele Issues Marketing RFP

University of Keele Issues Marketing RFP

Keele University has issued an RFP for a marketing agency.

Tenders are invited from interested parties for inclusion in a Framework Agreement for Marketing and Events Support for Keele University’s ERDF Funded Projects. These currently include the approved projects of the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND); the Keele Research and Innovation Support Programme (KRISP); the Mercia Centre for Innovation Leadership (MCIL); and Business Bridge; which collectively form part of the New Keele Deal. Additional projects subject to ERDF funding approval may also be included under this framework within the stated estimated framework value.

Scope of work:

Branding and Design Services

Keele University is seeking organisations to work with project teams, the University’s Directorate of Engagement and Partnerships and the Directorate of Marketing and Communications to design and develop a distinct brand identity for the four projects (SEND, KRISP, MCIL, Business Bridge) individually and for the programme (New Keele Deal) as a whole.

Marketing Collateral, Gifts and Stationery

Keele University is seeking organisations to work with the Branding and Design Service Providers (appointed under Lot 1), project teams, the University’s Directorate of Engagement and Partnerships and the Directorate of Marketing and Communications to produce a range of direct hard copy marketing collateral, corporate gifts and stationery items.

Event Organisation

Keele University is seeking organisations to work with project teams, the University’s Directorate of Engagement and Partnerships and the Directorate of Marketing and Communications to manage the organisation of a range of events.

Photography and Videography Services

Keele University is seeking organisations or consortia to work with project teams, the University’s Directorate of Engagement and Partnerships and the Directorate of Marketing and Communications to provide videography and photography services.

Digital, Media and Advertising Services

Keele University is seeking organisations to work with project teams, the University’s Directorate of Engagement and Partnerships and the Directorate of Marketing and Communications to provide digital marketing support.

Proposal due on June 8 to:

University of Keele
Procurement Office, Finance Department,
Innovation Centre 2, Keele University Science and Innovation Park,
Keele ST5 5BG
United Kingdom

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