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Healthcare PR: Industry Focused Social Media Seminar

Healthcare PR

The International Quality and Productivity Center (IQPC Worldwide) will host a social media seminar in New York. The venue is still to be announced (email info@iqpc.com with “Social Media for Healthcare Venue Request” in the subject line to receive information as it becomes available). Speakers include Mayo Clinic’s Lee Aase; Columbia University Department of Surgery social media manager Bradley Jobling; Human Resources Business Consultant for the Savannah Memorial University Medical Center, Garrick Throckmorton; Kevin Dean; Mark Miller; Paul Cebulak (from Yelp) and many more.

The Strategic Social Media for Healthcare conference is designed to serve as a forum for marketing and public relations professionals in the industry to learn how to effectively leverage blogging; video broadcasting on YouTube, and etc.; and networking on Twitter, Facbook and other social media outlets.

You can already interact with speakers by tweeting questions using #socialhc to spark an interesting conversation.

The audience of the seminar will comprise of senior level decision makers from health systems, hospitals and clinics involved with furthering their organizational mission using social media platforms and other Web 2.0 tools. This includes VPs, Directors and Managers of social and interactive media; online strategy and content; online marketing and communications; public relations and community affairs; organizational and business development; brand development and other strategic planning fields, including legal.

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