Designated Contact: Alternate Contact:

Kelly Jones Andrea Garavelli

Phone: 518-408-1351 Phone: 518-474-9139

E-mail: E-mail:

Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference October 10, 2024

@ 10:00 am

Proposal Due Date and Time November 20, 2024

@ 2:00 pm

2. Scope

2.1 Work Products

The Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) shifted the cannabis policy to a framework grounded in the principles of economic and social justice and public safety as it prioritizes and aims to repair prior policy harms. A legal and regulated cannabis market provides tested products, a transparent and local supply chain, and robust social and economic equity programming to support communities that have been disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition.

Public education through marketing and advertising efforts is central to NYS to ensure that all New Yorkers, in particular priority audiences, are informed of policy shifts and the emerging cannabis industry. To be effective, marketing and advertising efforts must be culturally relevant and responsive to priority audiences. This includes centering the voices and stories of priority audiences, engaging and responsive design, and supported by data that can help close the gap in cannabis education across NYS. Priority audiences include, but are not limited to, cannabis consumers and those likely to consume cannabis, tourists, parents, older adults, and communities disproportionately impacted by prior cannabis policies (also known as CDI’s).

Over the course of the contract period, several languages may be incorporated and will be determined

by the different campaign topics and target audiences. Please refer to the NYS Office of Language

Access for the 12 most commonly spoken languages in NYS. access-law.

OCM is seeking to develop marketing/advertising with the following aims:

1. Increase the public’s knowledge about what is legal under the Cannabis Law and OCM regulations, as well as increased awareness of OCM’s policies and programs and its public health and social and economic equity goals.

2. Illustrate New York’s unique cannabis market structure that fosters robust small business opportunities and increases visibility of the application process and available technical assistance and resources.

3. Increase awareness of the medical cannabis program and its engagement with healthcare providers and systems, potential patients, and licensees.

4. Education about why cannabis consumers should buy regulated cannabis products from the NYS adult-use cannabis industry as opposed to unregulated cannabis products and when the NYS Medical Cannabis Program may be the right choice for certain individuals.

5. Increase accurate knowledge of the health impacts of cannabis use.

6. Improve knowledge and attitudes regarding the risks related to problematic use of cannabis, including but not limited to:

a. Underage cannabis consumption.

b. Cannabis consumption during pregnancy or while breastfeeding/chestfeeding.

c. Overconsumption of cannabis.

7. Increase awareness about cannabis and conversations between trusted adults and young people about cannabis consumption.

8. Increase consumer conversations with health care providers about cannabis consumption including for pregnant and breastfeeding individuals.

9. Increase knowledge about safer, legal, and responsible cannabis consumption among adult consumers in New York, including messages to address: safe storage of cannabis products, cannabis impaired driving, and public health education for different key populations.

10. Reduce cannabis-related stigma.

Marketing/advertising projects can be expected to be disseminated in broadcast radio and television, social media, digital, print, out of home advertising and across OCM’s digital accounts including: X (formerly known as Twitter): @nys_cannabis, Instagram: @nys_cannabis, LinkedIn: New York State Office of Cannabis Management, and Facebook: New York State Office of Cannabis Management.

In order for OCM to effectively communicate with the public at large, the Contractor will develop marketing and advertising Work Products and campaigns. The Contractor will be responsible for providing audio/video production, focus group testing and reporting, static design, supplemental material design, and microsite development and additional media services as needed. OCM will need Work Products (listed below) individually or as part of campaigns. Ad-hoc products and micro campaigns may also be done on an expedited timeframe, particularly if there is a pressing issue or safety concern.

2.1.1 Work Product 1: Branding and Concept Development

Concept options are intended to provide a brief overview of ideas, messaging, copywriting, and potential content to allow OCM staff to evaluate and select a final concept direction on which they can proceed.

Concepts pitched based on a submitted brief must be knowledgeable by formative research, audience analysis, and align with OCM’s brand identity, and as applicable, NYS branding guidelines, please refer to RFP Attachment 2 – NYS Brand Guide. Concepts must address the campaign objectives, be appropriate and culturally reflective for the target audience(s), including those who primarily speak languages other than English. Concepts should be bold, ambitious and incorporate strategic insight that

is created to meet the voice, beliefs, existing knowledge, and values of the target audience(s) while balancing the communication goals of OCM. Many of these voices belong to diverse subcultures, and the ability to tailor and segment concepts and messages is critical to OCM’s mission. The selected concept can be expected to be integrated and adaptable to the following: large-scale paid media advertising campaigns, promotional events, consumer materials, and OCM digital accounts.

The Contractor will be required to pitch the concept(s) in a meeting, including but not limited to:

1. Providing written/visual materials to OCM. OCM will select one concept for execution and the Contractor will incorporate OCM’s feedback.

2. Following OCM sign off on a Campaign Concept, the Contractor will complete and submit a workplan for review and approval by OCM. This workplan must be submitted to OCM within ten business days of concept approval unless otherwise mutually agreed upon.

3. OCM and the Contractor will review and mutually approve a final workplan within ten business days of initial submission. The workplan is designed to provide a comprehensive timeline of all campaign activities, including a timeframe for material development, number of editing and review rounds by OCM, and implementation.

This Work Product must be completed by the Contractor and cannot be subcontracted out.

Estimated number per contract year: up to three concepts per campaign, for two campaigns per year.

2.1.2 Work Product 2: Audio/Video Production

Audio/Video assets will be produced based on the selected campaign concepts and messages developed in Work Product 1: Branding and Concept Development. Producing culturally relevant audio/video assets is an effective way to engage and educate target audiences. Growing media trends such as audio advertisements on podcasts, streaming radio, or other applications, are an emerging and key space for public education. Audio/Video assets produced should depict and reflect the diverse NYS audience highlighting for example, community ties, language(s), cultural discourse, and experiences that resonate with the target audience.

The Contractor and/or their subcontractors, as applicable, will develop audio/videos with selected messages and format them in collaboration with OCM. Scripting will be reviewed and approved by OCM staff before production begins. Audio/Videos produced in non-English languages may not be a direct translation of the English advertisements and may require adjustments to best resonate with each target audience.

The audio/video creation process includes, but is not limited to:

1. Presenting a timeline, budget, and production workplan for OCM approval.

2. Developing scripts, storyboards, and copywriting for the different content areas/messages/ad copy.

3. Based on OCM’s identified messages and objectives, providing a template for the audio/video that includes an outline of key concepts, brand integration in visuals, language(s), and potential talent prior to producing the audio/videos.

4. Sourcing all talent, location scouting, animation, graphics and/or audio/visual material in identified languages needed to develop the audio/videos. The Contractor may identify or recruit talent such as professional actors, real people, or stakeholders, among others. OCM may identify talent in the case that licensees or other parties under OCM regulations will become talent. All talent is subject to OCM approval.

5. Producing videos ranging from short-form clips to longer-form videos and/or audio files in identified languages that amplify selected messages for digital, broadcast, social media, or out of home based on media buy placements.

6. Addressing comments or edits on behalf of OCM and message testing; and

7. Editing and cutting created audio and video content to produce dimensions in the various file types as required for media placements by OCM and the media buyer.

This Work Product component may be conducted by the Contractor or subcontracted to an external vendor with demonstrated experience in performing the above.

Estimated number per contract year: An estimated range of 10-20 original audio/video assets. Final determination of the number of the assets will be based on media purchasing recommendations. OCM will be utilizing media buying services from NYS OGS Media Buying Services Centralized Contracts, therefore the Contractor is not responsible for media buys.

2.1.3 Work Product 3: Focus Group Testing and Reporting

Engaging members of the target audience is a key step in marketing/advertising. Without message testing, such as presenting assets to a focus group, marketing/advertising efforts may fail to engage the audience and at worst, break trust and cause harm to the audience it seeks to reach. Prior to launch, messaging and creative materials must undergo testing to gain feedback on creative assets, message, and goals from the target audience through focus groups and help improve those creative materials.

These insights will inform the refinement of final assets and considerations for campaign and creative design, media buys, distribution, and materials to be optimized based on focus group testing results.

Contractor may also have experience and services in other testing methodologies. Please refer to Work Product 7: Additional Creative Media and Marketing Services where this can be captured (if applicable) within Section 3.2.1 Technical Proposal.

This includes, but is not limited to:

1. Conducting an initial discovery session with OCM and OCM-identified subject matter experts.

2. Presenting a timeline, budget and workplan for OCM approval.

3. Designing and presenting, for OCM approval, strategies for research and message testing, including but not limited to, focus group recruitment tools, moderators, discussion content, and questions that will meet objectives and are informed by culturally competent practices.

4. Overseeing logistics, recruitment, incentivization, and facilitation of focus group testing in languages identified.

5. Providing a top line report/summary within two business days after each phase of focus group testing to ensure actionable feedback and the ability to meet tight turnaround times with any campaign optimization. Specific elements that can be included are key findings from the audience on the campaign’s message, reception of the campaign assets by the audience, and recommended optimizations for the campaign’s design or placement.

6. Facilitation of post focus group de-brief meeting(s) to work with all campaign partners/necessary subcontractors to discuss campaign optimization.

7. Providing a written report with findings for creative optimization and to enhance understanding of the topics at hand.

8. Providing a plan of action on how to implement focus group feedback.

This Work Product component may be conducted by the Contractor or subcontracted to an external vendor with demonstrated experience in performing the above. The Contractor and/or their subcontractors may also employ other message testing strategies and methods based on the proposed project with the approval of the OCM.

Estimated number per contract year: Up to 15 focus group sessions per contract year. The number of focus group sessions per project will be determined in partnership with the Contractor.

2.1.4 Work Product 4: Static Design

Design of static assets suitable for out of home and digital advertising based on selected concept (Section 2.1.1 – Work Product 1: Branding and Concept Development). Static Designs include assets in all languages and formats as determined by the concept appropriate for placements such as banner ads, pop-up windows, social media, billboards and mass transit, and other formats as directed by OCM and media buyer. This includes all copywriting for static assets, value ad unit placements, and digital captions. Static design will be informed by OCM’s brand identity and should be visually compelling, accessible, and spark engagement from the target audience based on the project’s goals.

This includes, but is not limited to:

1. Presenting a timeline, budget and workplan for OCM approval.

2. Designing assets using the messaging, fonts and color schemes as approved in Section

2.1.1 – Work Product 1: Branding and Concept Development and based on its creative evolution and focus group results.

3. Copy writing for static assets, copy accompanying ad placements, and digital captions.

4. Adapting designs, copy, and captioning for languages identified by the project brief.

5. Addressing comments or edits on behalf of OCM in agreed upon editing rounds.

6. Editing and providing image files in the various file types as required for media placements by OCM and the media buyer.

This Work Product component may be conducted by the Contractor or subcontracted to an external vendor with demonstrated experience in performing the above

2.1.6 Work Product 6: Microsite Development

It is anticipated that microsites, webpages dedicated to OCM marketing campaigns and events, will be built throughout the course of the contract period. Microsites and pages should extend identified messages and goals for the target audience. Microsites are intended to reach groups that are not the traditional main audience for government hosted websites, (like such as young people or seniors. Website builds will be informed by OCM branding or campaign specific branding based on the target audience(s), goals, and any guidelines detailed in a campaign brief. The campaign site will have added value to the campaign with call-to-action messages and opportunities for the audience to engage with key messages in more depth.

This includes:

1. Presenting a timeline and workplan for OCM approval.

2. Pitching user-experience (UX) design effective for target audiences and producing any

additional creative content appropriate for website formatting.

3. Advising and collaborating with OCM on microsite copy and content.

4. Providing OCM a concept test site in Figma or similar platform for approval and feedback during focus group testing.

5. Launching and maintaining website with OCM approval and conforming to NYS Information Technology Services (ITS) and security protocols.

Data gathered through the microsite shall be securely stored and provided to OCM. Data collected may include, but are not limited to, emails, short polls or quizzes, and open-ended response sections. OCM utilizes Granicus (Gov Delivery) to collect user information.

The Contractor will establish a mechanism for OCM to receive data collected on mutually agreed upon timeframes. Website analytics and data sets identified by OCM during workplan development such as traffic source, session duration, downloads, clicks, search engine optimization, etc. must be reported in mutually agreed upon timeframes to OCM. The Contractor will collaborate with NYS ITS and OCM to establish metrics and recommend tools to be used.

Some of the microsite expectations include:

1. CMS: Sites will be hosted by the Contractor. The microsite is not required to be hosted on Drupal or have a URL ending in ““.

2. Code: Manual code review will not take place. The code must be via a secure end-to-end deployment. The Drives the site(s) reside on must be encrypted as well. Policies related to code and security along with all other requirements can be viewed at

3. Capacity: Considered adequate with a response time to ensure that the site can fully load within three milliseconds. If there are data that must load (for graphs, video content, slideshows, etc.) it is acceptable for that to take a bit longer and can be discussed with OCM on an ad hoc basis. Generally, NYS is looking for 500 milliseconds for the time to first byte and three seconds to have the main content be loaded and legible. The Contractor shall guarantee microsite uptime of at least 99.7% excluding scheduled maintenance. A product availability of 99.9% is preferred.

4. In accordance with the NYS Information Classification Standard (NYS-S14-002) and NYS Digital Identity Policy (NYS-P20-001), OCM has rated the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of these data as Low, Moderate, Moderate and the Identity and Authenticator Assurance levels at level one and two, respectively.

For more information on ITS policies, standards, and guidelines please review the following website:

During the length of the contract period, edits will be made by the Contractor. In collaboration with the Contractor, OCM and NYS ITS transition plans will be developed for the maintenance of sites and decommissioning of sites as necessary.

This Work Product component may be conducted by the Contractor or subcontracted to an external vendor with demonstrated experience in performing the above.

Estimated number per contract: Up to two microsites over the course of the contract term.

Estimated number per contract: Up to two microsites over the course of the contract term.

.1.7 Work Product 7: Additional Creative Media and Marketing Services

During the term of the contract, OCM may require the Contractor to provide additional services that fall outside the creative media and marketing services in Section 2.1.1 through 2.1.6. and priced per hour.

These additional services may include the following areas:

1. Graphic Design and Motion Graphics

2. Audio/Video Production

3. Micro-Campaigns (time bound, limited requests for paid placements)

4. Message Testing Services

These specific tasks will be intermittent, the completion of which will be required within the timeframes prescribed in a task order request. OCM will initiate the request for additional creative media and marketing services utilizing the task order request process detailed below:

1. OCM will submit the request via email to the Contractor. The request will include the specific services or Work Products required and may include the timeframe in which they will need to be completed.

2. The Contractor must draft a Statement of Work plan (SOW) to complete the services or Work Products requested. The SOW must include the total number of hours for the requested services, the corresponding estimated number of hours per personnel title to complete the services or Work Products, and a timeline to complete the task order request.

3. Upon receipt, OCM will review the SOW and negotiate any changes deemed necessary prior to final OCM approval.

Media placements will be made separately using the New York State Media Buying Services Centralized Contract. Media buying is not within the scope of this RFP, nor will it be the responsibility of Contractor.

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