Macomb Township Magazine Printing, Advertisement Sales and Mailing Services


RFP #: 24-041

ISSUE DATE: November 15, 2024

PROPOSAL QUESTION DEADLINE: November 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM local time

(All questions must be submitted in writing via email at or through the MITN website)

DUE DATE / TIME: December 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM local time

MAIL OR DELIVER TO: Macomb Township – Clerk’s Office

54111 Broughton Rd.

Macomb, MI 48042

CONTACT: Janet Solomon

586-992-0710, Ext. 2312

Macomb Township is seeking a qualified vendor to provide printing, advertising sales, and mailing services for a Township magazine which will be distributed to residents and businesses three times per year. The selected vendor will be responsible for the printing, distribution, and advertisement sales to offset production costs. The magazine will serve as a primary communication channel for the Township, featuring news, community events, recreational programs, and resources for residents and businesses. By responding to this invitation, the proposer agrees to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

I.                    BACKGROUND

Macomb Township is located in the center of Macomb County. It is one of the fastest growing communities in Macomb County and in the State of Michigan. Current Macomb Township publications are specific to Parks and Recreation Department information. The Parks and Recreation Department offers hundreds of recreational programs and numerous community events year-round for people of all ages and abilities to support a thriving community. Available offerings are published three times each year in the Department’s R.E.A.C.H. (Recreation Events Activities & Center Happenings) brochure. R.E.A.C.H. brochures are sent to Macomb Township’s 32,000 households via mail to advertise the program and community event offerings. Additionally, a small quantity of brochures (approximately 3,000) is avaB. ilable for distribution to Recreation Center patrons on an as needed basis. A sample of a recent R.E.A.C.H. brochure can be found in the “REACH Brochure Sample” file posted in BidNet (MITN) with this Request For Proposals. The Township intends to replace the REACH Brochure with the Township Magazine.

II.                 SCOPE OF WORK

Macomb Township is seeking a qualified vendor to provide design, printing, advertising sales, and mailing services for a Township magazine. A quantity of approximately 38,000 copies per issue will be produced and mailed mid-month in April, August, and December. The Township reserves the option to transition to a quarterly publication with a reduced page count in the future.

  2. Length and Size: The magazine will be designed to accommodate content of approximately 8 to 12 double sided 8 ½” x 11” pages, excluding advertisements. The final page count will vary with each publication based on content needs. Macomb Township anticipates a standard magazine size of 8.5″ x 11″, but proposers may suggest alternative sizes or formats that align with cost-efficiency and visual appeal. Per page pricing is requested to account for potential variations in page count.
  1. Content and Design: Macomb Township will provide electronically designed content with text and images for the 8-12 pages of Township information for each publication. Macomb Township would like the option to have the awarded Proposer design/layout the Township content. The awarded Proposer will manage the layout and design of the advertisement pages and prepare the full magazine for print.
  1. MAGAZINE SPECIFICATIONS AND PRINTING – The awarded Proposer will ensure high-quality print production, including paper selection, color accuracy, and binding appropriate for a professional publication.
  1. Stock: The publication cover and interior pages shall use a gloss-coated 80# stock as a minimum quality standard. The cover and interior pages may be of varying stock. Stock may be folded and saddle stitched to bind resulting in a finished magazine size of 8 ½” x 11”. The Township is interested in proposals with paper quality options and associated costs to determine the best value option for a quality magazine.
  2. Printing: Each page of the magazine shall be printed on both sides using four colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black).
  3. Proofing: The awarded Proposer will provide digital and/or printed proofs for approval by the Township prior to final production.
    1. Ad Sales Strategy: The selected Proposer will develop and execute a strategy for selling advertisement space in the magazine. This includes identifying potential advertisers, soliciting ads, negotiating rates, and managing ad placement within the magazine. Macomb Township has a list of current event sponsors in Attachment A, who may not be solicited for advertisements within the first year. After the first year, sponsors may opt to advertise instead, and advertisers may become sponsors. The Township will also feature a sponsor page, providing sponsors with complimentary advertisement space.
    2. Rate Schedule: The awarded Proposer shall propose revenue-sharing percentages. The awarded Proposer will establish a competitive rate schedule for advertisements. A portion of ad revenue will be allocated to offset magazine production costs.
    3. Ad Design and Specifications: The awarded Proposer will be responsible for obtaining ads from advertisers in the appropriate formats, ensuring all ads meet technical specifications for quality.
    4. Ad Approval: The Township retains final approval of all advertisers and ad content prior to each publication. Ads containing objectionable content, such as alcohol or drugs, will not be permitted.
  1. DISTRIBUTION – The Township requires that the magazine be distributed using ECRWSS within the 48042 and 48044 zip codes to cost effectively reach all businesses and households within Macomb Township. The awarded Proposer is responsible for distribution logistics, including delivery and any postal arrangements of the finished magazine to the US post office. PERMIT Postage shall be utilized by the awarded Proposer for mailing the magazines. A sample of the permit postage information that will be provided can be found in the “Postage Sample File” PDF file posted in BidNet (MITN) with this Request for Proposals. Fax or email copies of US Postal Service acknowledgement of mailing certificates to Macomb Township. A quantity of 3,000 Magazines must be delivered by the awarded Proposer to the Macomb Township Recreation Center and a quantity of 100 to Township Hall. The delivery method may be selected by the awarded Proposer (i.e., FedEx, hand delivered, etc.).
  1. TIMING – Delivery to the US Post Office shall take place on or before the 10th day of approval of the proof by the Township. The 1st business day following receipt of the approval shall be considered Day 1.
  1. INVOICES – Provide invoices detailing the number of magazines that were printed and mailed and the number of magazines printed and provided to the Macomb Township Recreation Center upon completion of mailing and delivery.
  1. LIQUIDATION DAMAGES – If delivery is delayed beyond the agreed upon delivery period liquidated damages of $300.00 per day may be assessed against the awarded Proposer for each working day beyond the mandatory delivery date except for acts of God such as tornado, flood, etc.

TERM OF AGREEMENT – Prices quoted shall remain firm for 90 days or proposal award whichever comes first except the successful Proposer whose prices shall remain firm for the entire contract period. The initial one (1) year term of the Agreement shall commence upon notice of award, in time for the mid-April 2025, magazine mailing, and will expire after the mid-December 2025 mailing. The Agreement shall be extended for two (2) additional two (2) year periods based upon mutual consent of both parties. The renewal is subject to Macomb Township Board approval. A request by Township staff to determine a successful proposer’s interest in extending a contract in no way obligates the Township.

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