PSA on Hurricane Preparedness

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The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA), the emergency management agency for the State of

Hawai’i under the Department of Defense (HI-DOD), is requesting a quote for services from an experienced

public relations and/or advertising firm to assist in providing hurricane-related outreach and education

campaign media products.


HI-EMA is the state’s designated emergency management agency, charged with working with all levels of

government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to prepare for, respond to, recover from

and mitigate against all hazards that threaten Hawai‘i.

HI-EMA was awarded a grant, under the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program, an

initiative funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The EMPG program provides funds

to assist State, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management agencies to implement the National

Preparedness System and the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. The EMPG

program supports the goals of ‘Building a Culture of Preparedness’ and ‘Readying the Nation for Catastrophic

Disasters.’ HI-EMA’s proposal seeks to broaden the awareness of hurricane preparedness best practices

across Hawai‘i through a visually dynamic and engaging public service announcement (PSA) campaign.


The Hurricane Preparedness Public Outreach and Education campaign proposes to reduce the loss of life and

property resulting from hurricanes through education on hurricane hazards and good hurricane preparedness

strategies. To reach our target audience across the state in an effective, informative, and engaging manner

(for all ages) we would like to produce a series of three animated hurricane preparedness public service

announcements (PSAs) for television and social media/online posting. HI-EMA’s External Affairs Office is

required to adhere to state procurement protocols and policies for any contracting activities.

I. Services will include, but not be limited to, the following:

1) Develop and produce a series of three (3) animated (mostly) PSAs (each 30-seconds [0:30] long) for

broadcast on TV/cable and social media outlets. The PSA series will focus on hurricane preparedness

as we enter the 2022 hurricane season.

a. The PSAs will share some content but have individual themes of: “Make a plan,” “Help your

neighbors,” and “Be ready to take shelter.”

b. PSAs will utilize a similar color scheme to that in the previously produced HI-EMA Tsunami

PSA (to be provided).

c. PSAs to incorporate a photo of a real person which will morph into animated style.

d. Taglines/slogans will be shared across all spots.

2) Include the costs and the methods of getting the PSA to air, which would include both free

(Olelo/Spectrum) and paid broadcasts (KHON, KITV, HNN, etc.)


 Selecting Vendor and processing contracts: 3 weeks (estimated)

 Producing PSA materials: 1 month

 Broadcasting: begin earliest possible to run up to, but not exceeding, September 26, 2022.

 Broadcasting rights: 6 months


The Period of Performance shall commence upon execution of contract, and the goods and services shall be

rendered and completely received before or no later than 4:00 PM on September 26, 2022 (Monday), unless

terminated by the State with a 30-day notice.


The funding for this award is provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),

Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program. As such, the procurement requirements must

adhere to federal grant procurement policies in addition to State of Hawaii policies.


In accordance with 2 CFR 200.321 this solicitation must take all necessary steps to make sure small, minority,

and/or women-owned enterprises are used when possible. Preference for this solicitation will be given to

qualified vendors who meet the stated criteria.


The award will be based on the qualified bidder who submits the quote with the lowest cost or best value

being justified. The following are the minimum requirements which shall be submitted with a cover letter and

its quote:

 Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) clearance

 Printout of validation that business entity is not debarred or suspended from receiving federal

funding (as evidenced in

 Evidence of Contractor’s capabilities to develop, complete, and broadcast a PSA

 Samples of successfully completed PSA and/or animation projects

 List of references (3) who can validate broadcasted PSAs

VirgoPR (1)

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