Tagged: marketing strategy

The Black Homeownership Marketing Campaign

Effective Content Marketing Goals

Content marketing has become an essential strategy for brands to engage with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive business growth. To maximize the effectiveness of content marketing, brands should set clear and...

5 Tips to Deal with Global E commerce Digital Marketing Challenges

How to Do Market Research: Steps & Examples

Market research is a crucial process that businesses undertake to gather information about their target market, customers, competitors, and industry trends. It helps companies make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and develop effective marketing strategies. ...

color wheel

The Importance of a Color Palette for Branding

Brand colors are crucial in shaping how people a brand is viewed by consumers. Research indicates that color plays a significant role in up to 80% of initial product evaluations. Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are...


Brands as Year-Long Allies

Before each Pride Month approaches, communication professionals tend to get reminded of their crucial role in fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging in the workplace. Pride Month should serve as an opportunity to...

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When Companies Should Be Conducting a Marketing Audit

A marketing audit is a crucial exercise for businesses aiming to evaluate their marketing strategies. They can use audits to identify areas for improvement and optimize their marketing efforts. However, determining the right time...

Holiday Season

Marketing strategies for safe holiday drinking

Alcohol can have a negative impact on the holiday season, whether it is drinking too much at a party or driving under its influence. Then there are health problems to consider which can be...

Marketing During A Pandemic

5 Tips to Succeed at Marketing

The overall plan that a company has to reach its target audience and get them to convert is what marketing and marketing strategies entail. They’re supposed to include the key brand messaging from the...

Increasing Conversions

Marketing Strategies that Convert

There are many different ways for companies to invest in effective marketing efforts that are going to be able to attract their target audiences and get them to convert. In fact, some of the...

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Effective Product Marketing Strategies

The way that a company markets its products can directly impact its leads and sales. When a company begins to truly invest in the right product marketing strategies and experiment with various marketing ideas,...