City of Somersworth, New Hampshire Issues Marketing RFP

City of Somersworth, New Hampshire Issues Marketing RFP

City of Somersworth, New Hampshire Issues Marketing RFP

The City of Somersworth is seeking Proposals from qualified Consultants with an expertise in strategic marketing, with a specific focus on economic development and government entities.


Somersworth NH, is a City with a proud history and a bright future. Conveniently located an hour north of Boston and just minutes from historic Portsmouth NH, Somersworth is a great choice for companies looking to start or expand their business. Whether you need to build a manufacturing facility, want to invest in the bustling commercial district or join our downtown retail merchants, we welcome the opportunity to show you why Somersworth is where you want to be.

Scope of Work:

Consultant shall provide marketing support that meets the following criteria:

  • Assist staff to define the City’s brand identity as it relates to economic development
  • Provide a consistent, professional look and feel that compliments the City’s current brand of “The Hilltop City” and “Proud Past – Bright Future”
  • Marketing that is informational and vibrant and translates to identifying Somersworth as a Community “On the Move” and desirable to all diverse populations to live, work and play
  • The target audience involves the public as a whole and specifically for this item includes current and potential Somersworth businesses


  • Work with multiple stakeholders to determine the City’s history, strengths and identifying images
  • Complete market research including brand perceptions and key competitors brand positioning to assure our platform is unique
  • It is anticipated there will be approximately 1 stakeholder meeting
  • Develop an economic development identity that will resonate with the business community
  • Branding materials shall include, but not be limited to, tagline, color scheme, branding messages, photo library and a style guide for consistent use
  • Image and a welcoming message should resonate with young and mature individuals as a Community that embraces all


  • Design and write a brochure that provide information and data about Somersworth that will resonate with the business community
  • Create a brochure to cover each of the following topics:

o Somersworth Competitive Advantage including but not limited to Workforce and Commuter Route data

o Existing Incentive Programs

o Template for future City staff use

  • Provide the City with both hard copy and electronic copy of the brochure


  • Develop a campaign to reach local businesses, provide information on the City’s economic development accomplishments and invite them to learn more about locating and expanding in Somersworth
  • Provide the City with both hard copy and electronic copy of the campaign materials
  • The target audience for this item is current and future Somersworth businesses

WEBSITE CONTENT (please cost out as separate phased item)

  • Website template and hosting is already provided through a third party. Consultant shall work with City Staff to write content, provide photos and format layout of the Economic Development page.
  • The website content should be tailored to Economic Development information through attractive and engaging wording and captivating photos
  • Content should include a horizonal oriented single “homepage” layout with a vertical alternative for additional use in printed materials
  • Cross-referenced information should be cited from sources such as Regional EDC’s and State Economic Office


While preparing their proposals, respondents should consider the following criteria:

  • Visually appealing – Design of marketing material is important. The material should reflect Somersworth’s rich history and let users know Somersworth is a community on the move
  • Common theme – Each section of the site should have a unified look and feel that reinforces Somersworth’s image. Each page should visually relate yet retain some degree of individuality that reflects the service, department or audience being served
  • Easily reproducible – The website must be designed with a balance of text and graphics so that the average page is easy to reproduce
  • Easy to navigate – The material should be easy to navigate, with information grouped and presented in a logical manner
  • Future flexibility – The material should include a flexible design template that can easily accommodate the addition of new content at a later date
  • Cross-referenced information should be cited from sources including Regional EDC’s and State Economic Office

Due Date:

June 24th


Somersworth City Hall

Attn: Scott A. Smith, Director of Finance

One Government Way

Somersworth, NH 03878

Agencies who could be considered include MWWPR and Rubenstein PR.

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