Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) Issues RFP For Mass Media Services

Iowa Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) Issues RFP For Mass Media Services

The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) seeks to enter into one or more contracts for mass media services production and distribution in Iowa. The purpose of said productions is to raise public awareness and educate the motoring public on traffic safety issues with the goal of changing driver/pedestrian behaviors to create a safer driving environment in Iowa.


The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau is a subdivision of the Iowa Department of Public Safety.  Each state is required to have a highway safety program consistent with the uniform guidelines issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).  The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) administers the State of Iowa’s allocation of federal highway safety funds authorized on December 4, 2015, when President Obama signed into law P.L. 114-94, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act which authorizes the federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety and transit.

Scope of Work:

The successful Contractor shall provide the goods and/or services to the State in accordance with the technical specifications as provided in this Exhibit. The Respondent shall address each specification in this Exhibit and indicate whether or not it will comply with the specification. If the context requires more than a yes or no answer or the section specifically indicates, Respondent shall explain how it will comply with the specification. Proposals must address each specification. Merely repeating the specifications may be considered non-responsive and may disqualify the Respondent. Proposals must identify any deviations from the specifications of this RFP or specifications the Respondent cannot satisfy. If the Respondent deviates from or cannot satisfy the specification (s) of this section, the Agency may reject the Proposal.

The Respondent shall provide the services listed in items 12-1 through 12-12 for multiple and separate traffic safety campaigns for at least three areas of the following traffic safety issues: 1) proper safety belt use, 2) proper child restraint use, 3) impaired driving, 4) motorcycle safety; and may also include: 4) distracted driving, 5) excessive speed, and 6) other issue(s) deemed pertinent to Iowa’s highway safety program. Services listed in items 12-1 through 12-10 will be required for each separate safety campaign undertaken. Additionally, the Respondent shall provide services in support of at least two separate national campaigns as outlined in items 12-9 through 12-11.

12-1 Research, develop and submit for approval a mass media traffic safety campaign based on current attitude/knowledge.

12-2 Pretest the aforementioned campaigns prior to production utilizing focus groups. When appropriate, modify concepts based on the feedback obtained through focus group interviews.

12-3 Provide production concepts to the DPS/GTSB for review and approval prior to the production phase.

12-4 Produce and distribute approved mass media materials, including, but not be limited to, television, radio, print, web and social media. Social media should include, but not be limited to, Geo-fencing, App use and managing a micro site. Print materials will include educational and informational brochures, posters, and other items as determined needed. Some child passenger materials will be needed in both English and Spanish versions.

12-5 Produce additional needed printed collateral support materials such as public relations/news packet for events or groups as requested.

12-6 Maintain regular communications and track activity with mass media serving Iowa to determine the extent of use of public service materials.

12-7 Provide a detailed quarterly report summarizing all program related activities including documentation of PSA and related materials distribution and utilization by media outlets. Distribution, utilization and exposure information will include the PSA name, type of exposure/use, dates of exposure/use and estimated audience. The Respondent will submit the following reports and products:

12-7-1 A Claim for Reimbursement (HSP-2) form, documentation and, if applicable, an Equipment Accountability Report (HSP-3) form for reimbursement within 60 days of the expense being paid by the Contractor with the exception of the final claim which is due into the DPS/GTSB office no later than November 15, 2019.

12-7-2 A cumulative final report due November 1, 2019 covering accomplishments of Statement of Work and Services in Contract.

12-7-3 Any reports and products deemed prudent by the Agency or Contractor.

12-7-4 A copy of all audit reports, if required, within 30 days of completion of said audit.

12-7-5 Quarterly activity reports due January 15 (first quarter), April 15 (second quarter), July 15 (third quarter) and October 15 (fourth quarter) on forms provided by the DPS/GTSB that quantify project activities.

12-8 Provide electronic versions of all produced PSAs, graphics and all other campaign materials.

12-9 Using the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration media plan as a guideline, secure earned media as requested by the DPS/GTSB in support of designated national campaigns and negotiate free and paid media with Iowa’s broadcast groups during multiple designated times.

12-10 Produce separate documentation on the number of both paid and free airing and print ads including dates and times and the size of the audience reached and provide in a report following each national campaign.

12-11 Provide support for media releases and events promoting the pre-determined national campaigns as needed and requested.

12-12 Attend meetings, conferences, and/or workshops relating to media as needed and/or requested, including but not limited to Contractor meetings, an annual conference and any national meeting, workshop or conference as needed and requested.

Due Date:

September 11th


RFP Number: RFP1119595028

RFP Title: Mass Media Services

Nancy Wheelock

Iowa Department of Administrative Services

Hoover State Office Building, Level 3

1305 East Walnut Street

Des Moines, IA 50319-0105

PR firms suited to this assignment include W2O Group and MWWPR.

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