REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Update of the City of Hudson’s Comprehensive Plan For the City of Hudson Summit County, Ohio

Hudson Summit

DUE DATE: June 3rd, 2023

Scope of Services

The services to be provided by the Consultant shall include, but are not limited to the following items:

Task 1 Develop a successful public engagement plan, utilizing both in-person and online engagement to be implemented with support of staff.

Task 2 Attend regularly scheduled Steering Committee meetings (mix of in person and teleconference), Community workshops, and other key special meetings. While these meetings will be scheduled and organized by City staff, the consultant will prepare and conduct key presentations as appropriate.

Task 3 Perform research analysis and writing of all technical reports unless mutually agreed in writing to be substituted or not included between the Consultant and the City Manager. City staff has identified the following preliminary topics to be further studied.

• Land Use, including study of commercial and residential

• Connectivity

• Transportation (note: detailed traffic study not anticipated)

• Sustainability

• Public Infrastructure, with emphasis on public utilities

• Community Facilities

• Safety

• Quality of Life (preservation, design, arts, culture)

• Innovation and Technology

Task 4 Prepare a complete draft of the updated Comprehensive Plan for Steering Committee and City Council review and comment. Following City Council adoption, the consultant shall provide city staff a high-resolution pdf copy of the final document. Additionally, digital copies of all data and

information collected through the process shall be provided in native format, including maps in GIS format.

Task 5 Correspond with Community Development Staff on a regular basis with regard to assignments

and related progress. Provide regular status reports at scheduled Steering Committee meetings.

Conduct meetings with City staff to clarify any item in the Scope of Services, the Request for Qualifications and Proposal or the conduct of the project which may be questioned by the consultant.

The following services will be performed by City staff:

1. Facilitate meetings, notices, attendance, minutes, and record keeping for the Steering Committee and other key special meetings.

2. Schedule and coordinate engagement meetings.

3. Staff the general awareness/engagement activities including attendance at community events such as Farmers markets and festivals.

4. Manage social media and general community awareness of the project. Provide communications outreach/project updates to the community.

5. Manage the City’s online engagement platform, Let’s Talk Hudson (bang the table platform).


6. Update and expand the City’s existing conditions report, Hudson Snapshot, as requested by the consultant to assist with existing conditions information. The report was completed in January 2022 and is attached for reference.

7. Conduct and summarize community surveys for use by the Consultant.

8. Provide videography and photography of the community and from engagement activities for use by the consultant.

9. Review and provide secondary research and feedback for all technical reports written by consultant.

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