RFP Issued For Media Placement Agency

DUE DATE: 06/11/2024 at 11:30 a.m.

Specifications and other RFP information may be obtained online at ocean.bonfirehub.com RFPs

must be made on the proposal forms included with the RFP specification, be enclosed in a sealed

package bearing the name and address of the vendor and

on the outside, addressed to Christine Healey at the address above.

Vendors are to direct all questions via ocean.bonfirehub.com



The Department of College Relations of Ocean County College recognizes the need for a media

placement agency with the following requirements for a one (1) year contract term (July 1, 2024

-June 30, 2025), with a one (1) year extension option (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026).

• Timely media opportunities to be brought to the attention of the Executive Director of

College Relations, with proper lead time for team to prepare materials if necessary, also

media buys are varied and support all programs.

• Proactive planning with necessary lead-time for discussion and modification.

• Bi-monthly reports of specific agents requesting participation and were contacted on our

behalf-product information, acceptances vs. declines

• Bi-monthly expenditure reports.

• Work with specific media reps as requested-agency will take all sales meetings on behalf

of OCC

• Provide Job Placement Rates for OCC Jobs to various outlets (i.e., Chronicle of Higher

Ed, APP)

• In house support capability, graphic design, audio visual production, technology support

• 12 month contract-ad placement billing separated from campaign initiatives

• Internet/interactive opportunities

* Data capture services – list services

• Statistical reports

* Search Engine Optimization – examples must be provided

* Clear understanding of OCC’s mission and educational marketing

• Service oriented staff with availability, 8 AM-5 PM, Monday-Friday

• Contract Fiscal year runs July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

• OCC purchases media year round


Primary Media:

• Print-APP, The Chronicle, weekly papers, various magazines ( limited )

• Radio-Weekly messages from College President on WOBM

• Radio-traditional-WRAT, non-traditional-WOBM, WJRZ, HAWK, 101.5 used to

announce specified events

• Radio (Satellite) – Pandora/Spotfiy

• Google Ad Word

• All social media platforms

Secondary Media:

• Billboards (retail and outdoor)

Ocean County College RFP 23-24 R-1585 Media Placement Agency Page 40 of 57

• Transportation

• Television (Cable)

• Web

• Movies

• Telephone – Cisco IP Phone Recordings

What type of media opportunities would you recommend to OCC?

What are your support capabilities for Graphic Design, Audio Visual Production, and Technology?

Provide examples of Bi-Monthly reports of specific agents requesting participation.

Provide examples of expenditure reports.

Provide examples of Search Engine Optimization.

Provide information to assist OCC in determining your qualifications,

• Years of service

• Affiliations

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