Contact with County Personnel
All contact regarding this RFP or any matter relating thereto must be in writing, and
e-mailed to:
Wendy M. Myring, Contract Analyst
Proposals Due June 26, 2024
The Los Angeles County (County) Department of Human Resources (DHR) is issuing this
Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals for a contract with an organization that
can provide Recruitment Marketing Campaign Services that speaks to external
candidates while also assisting Los Angeles County in promoting jobs to internal current
The County of Los Angeles has over 110,000 employees in 39 distinct departments that
provide a broad range of services to County residents. The DHR Countywide Talent
Assessment Division is responsible for employee recruitment, candidate examination
planning, and administration for Countywide positions. We provide recruitment and
assessment services for any department that requires assistance in fulfilling its staffing
needs. As America’s Best Large Employers per Forbes in 2022, we continue to look for
new and innovative ways to brand Los Angeles County as the premier employer.
It is the goal of the County to establish a countywide identity as an employer, identify the
newest recruitment techniques and measure success, attract new talent to the County,
reduce attrition and hiring time, and re-recruit and engage current County talent.
2.1 Titles, captions and headings contained in this solicitation are inserted as a matter
of convenience and for reference and are not intended and must not be deemed
or construed to define, limit, extend or otherwise describe the scope or any
provision of this solicitation.
3.1 Scope of Work
The Contractor must provide the following services:
1) Developing a Countywide brand that is dedicated to fostering connections between current County employees and the public, driving them to seek further information about Los Angeles County employment opportunities it has to offer. This brand personality should convey a sense of identity, pride, and greatness.
2) Establishing a recruitment brand that speaks to external candidates as well
as internal (current) Los Angeles County employees who may be well-suited or interested in other jobs within the County. This will be an ongoing brand campaign for the County to use for the next three to five years.
3) Identifying and developing concepts, creating and testing ads through
omnichannel sources (digital, live, social media, etc.).
4) Using data analytics to define the most successful tools and resources.
Examples of data include but are not limited to: measuring engagement,
clicks through applications, number of hires, proportion of vacancies filled,
time to hire, and reduction in attrition during the campaign.