5 Digital Marketing Strategies Used in Healthcare you can Use to Sway Business in your Favor

Sealed proposals will be received in the Procurement Division,  March 24, 2024,

prior to 2:00 p.m.

web link: file:///C:/Users/cbettencourt/Downloads/RFP-24-178-RFP-Package.pdf


Polk County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide professional digital & traditional advertising and related marketing services for the County’s indigent healthcare programs (e.g. Polk HealthCare Plan).

The Polk HealthCare Plan has been funded through a voter-approved, half cent sales surtax since 2004. The Indigent Health Care section of the Health and Human Services Division is responsible for administering the plan with guidance from the Citizen’s HealthCare Oversight Committee and the Polk County Board of County Commissioners.

Over years the plan has expanded services to meet the growing need of the County’s uninsured, low-income population.

The Polk HealthCare Plan is health coverage. The plan is not insurance. Members do not pay annual deductibles, monthly fees, enrollment fees or submit claim forms.

Members only pay small co-pays for doctor visits or filled prescriptions. Polk County does not provide direct services, but contracts and partners with local providers, who provide healthcare services to members.

In addition to being uninsured, Polk County residents whose income does not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Level may be potential members that can apply. They must provide two qualifying proofs of residency and one proof of income when applying.

It is the intent of the County to enter into an agreement with one firm.

Scope of Services

The County is looking for a full-service agency that will provide services related to client’s strategic marketing communications needs in the areas of brand planning as it pertains to communications, media planning and buying, creative services and research.

A more detailed outline of the project scope of work and deliverables can be found in Attachment “A”, Advertising Agency Scope of Work. To receive a copy of Attachment “A”, Advertising Agency Scope of Work, please go the following FTP site:, you will be prompted for a User ID and Password. The User ID is procurevendor and the password is solicitation. After you have logged in to the FTP site, double click on the file folder “RFP 24-178 Advertising & Related Marketing Services for Indigent Health Care”, select “Open” or “Save As” to download the Tab 4 Cost Sheet and Attachment “A”. If you need assistance accessing this website due to ADA or any other reason, please email Ari Goldstein at

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