QUESTION DUE DATE & TIME: 12/2/2022 @ 10AM (MT)

RECORDING DATE: 12/16/2022 RECORDING TIME: 2:00 p.m. (MT)

P.O. Box 1190, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-1190,



The Larimer County Department of Human Services seeks to communicate with various stakeholders and help raise public awareness of the resources available to the community by contracting with multiple vendors to perform as-needed advertising services through various mediums including but not limited to print (magazines, newspapers, out of home, and other print media ads) and digital (cloud technology, internet, radio, television, and out-of-home). The objective of this request for proposal is to provide Larimer County with multiple options for the placement of Human Service advertising to ensure a wide distribution within Larimer County. Proposers need not propose for all categories of advertising to be considered for award. We are seeking vendors within multiple markets best suited for promoting the Human Services Department. Extensive knowledge in promoting to targeted audiences and the media used for these promotions is a necessity. Any quantities listed in this Request for Proposal are estimates only and there is no guarantee of work; this solicitation may be awarded to multiple vendors.


The successful Contractor(s) at a minimum, will provide, perform, and/or furnish the following:

5.1 Resize county-provided design files for optimal display in selected publication, as needed;

5.2 Media and Advertising Planning: Suggest strategies to reach different target audiences and achieve unique advertising goals within budget and timeline framework;

5.3 Provide analytic reports to demonstrate performance of tactics and provide future recommendations based on analytics;

5.2 Advertising Mediums: The County strives to have multiple advertising markets available to utilize. The mediums listed below are representative of types of advertising we would like available for consideration but are not meant to be an all-exhaustive list. Vendors are encouraged to propose other available mediums they feel would be beneficial to meet our advertising goals.

5.2.1 Print Ad for local circulation a. Newspapers b. Magazines c. Periodicals

5.2.2 Print Ad – out-of-home a. Billboards b. Bus shelters/street furniture c. Public transit d. Exhibits/Sponsorships

5.2.3 Digital or online a. Within the paper web domain b. Within the parent company web domain (additional assets outside of the normal news outlet) c. Outside the parent company web domain (throughout the world wide web, similar to Google Ads) d. Streaming Radio e. YouTube f. Social Media (TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook/Meta, and Instagram) g. Geofence marketing for specified campaigns f. Digital out-of-home h. Email/SMS Campaign

5.3 Work Requests 5.3.1 For each individual project on which Contractor’s services are needed, a Work Request will be generated by County and provided to Contractor. Each Work Request shall include at a minimum a description of services to be provided, applicable timing requirements, and any other special circumstances related to the project.

5.3.2 Upon receipt of each Work Request, Contractor shall provide project specific quote with a breakdown of estimated costs along with a total not-to-exceed for the work, a proposed schedule, rates, and a brief proposal of the approach for County review and approval. The project costs not to exceed and cost breakdown shall be based upon the prices set forth in Price Schedule.

5.3.2 No Work shall begin on any project until a Work Order specific to the project is issued by County.

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