Montrose Regional Airport is seeking sealed proposals from qualified advertising firms for its in-terminal advertising concession program. The successful firm shall be granted exclusive rights to market, construct, operate, and maintain a first-class advertising program within the Assigned Areas. The contract will begin November 1, 2022 and continue for five (5) years, with a renewal option for an additional five (5) year term. Proposals must be received no later than 11:00 AM on September 1, 2022.
The complete RFP package contains the RFP, Attachments 1 and 2, and Forms “References”, “Proposal Bond”, “Acknowledgment”, and “Respondent Checklist”. If any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or error is found, the proposer must immediately notify Vendla Stockdale, vstockdale@montrosecounty.net and request modification or clarification. Questions must be emailed to Vendla Stockdale, vstockdale@montrosecounty.net , no later than 2:00 PM on August 3, 2022. Answers to questions of general interest will be posted on the County website at www.montrosecounty.net no later than 2:00 PM on August 8, 2022. RFP clarifications or modifications will also be posted on the website. Click the “I Want To” tab, then “View Bids”, and “Related Documents” at the bottom of the web page to locate all Addenda.
To be considered for award, proposers must:
1. Guarantee proposal through contract period.
2. Meet or exceed minimum requirements outlined in the RFP.
3. Return all documentation requested. Addenda may be posted up to fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the proposal deadline. Respondents are responsible for checking the website to ensure they have all addenda prior to submitting their proposal, as failing to acknowledge receipt of any addenda may result in rejection of the proposal.
4. Clearly identify, for non-disclosure purposes, any information within the proposal that is proprietary in nature or protected by copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property law.
5. Submit one (1) original proposal (clearly marked Original) and three (3) copies (marked Copy).
6. Seal and mark package exterior Advertising Concession Program, Due 9/1/22, 11:00 AM Our clock. The package exterior shall also bear the name of the proposing firm.
7. Submit the sealed proposal package to Montrose Regional Airport, Attn: Lloyd D. Arnold, 2100 Airport Road, Montrose, CO 81401 no later than September 1, 2022 at 11:00 AM, our clock. If proposals are being hand delivered please contact Airport Administration at (970) 249 3433 ext 0 where you will be directed to where proposals will need to be dropped off. Airport Administration offices are currently located in the Airport Fire Department.
Failure to follow RFP requirements may result in disqualification. Respondents should retain a copy of their proposal, as all proposals become the property of Montrose County and are not returnable.
Respondents are encouraged to visit the passenger terminal at their convenience between the hours of 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM daily. Specific questions must be addressed no later than 2:00 PM on August 3, 2022 to Vendla Stockdale, vstockdale@montrosecounty.net.
Proposals will be recorded, and publicly opened on September 1, 2022 (MST) at 11:15 AM at Montrose Regional Airport, Conference Room, 2100 Airport Road, Montrose, CO 81401.
If deemed necessary for evaluation purposes, up to three (3) finalist firms may be selected to interview on-site or remotely. All costs incurred for interviews shall be the sole responsibility of the finalists.
An Evaluation Committee shall recommend contract award in the best interest of Montrose County, using only the following criteria: qualifications and experience of firm and assigned personnel (25 points); operations plan (25 points); client advertising rates (25 points); and innovation, defined as the ability to think creatively to enhance airport and advertiser revenue (25 points).
The proposal rated highest by the Evaluation Committee will be recommended for award. Contract award is anticipated one (1) month after proposal deadline, during a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Meetings are advertised at www.montrosecounty.net. All proposers will be notified of the decision by mail. Contract documents will be issued to the awarded firm, to be returned prior to start of service.
The Board of County Commissioners may award the contract based on the evaluation criteria outlined in the Request for Proposals. In reviewing the proposals received, the County reserves the right to reject, for any reason whatsoever, any and all proposals, and to waive any informality or irregularity in a proposal. The award of contract may be based on the complete proposal or any component thereof. The action to award a contract is subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The submission of a proposal by any proposer does not in any way commit the County to enter into an agreement with that proposer.
Dates are subject to change with notification provided as necessary.
RFP Available June 15, 2022
Questions Deadline August 3, 2022, 2:00 PM
Answers Provided August 8, 2022, 2:00 PM
Proposals Due September 1, 2022, 11:00 AM
Proposal Recording September 1, 2022, 11:15 AM
Proposer Interviews, if applicable September 8-9, 2022
Contract Award September 19, 2022
Contract Begins November 1, 2022
Initial Contract Ends October 31, 2027
It is Montrose County policy to afford Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) full competitive opportunities. In accordance with 49 CFR 23, Montrose County shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin in awarding these contracts. The County has established a DBE plan pursuant to 49 CFR Part 23 Subpart F.
Awarded contracts are subject to the provisions of Executive Order 11246 (Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity) and to the provisions of Department of Transportation regulations 49 CFR Part 26. No specific goals have been identified for DBE participation for this RFP by owners, operators, agents, or suppliers, but those qualified are encouraged to participate.
Montrose Regional Airport is located in southwest Colorado, 6 hours from Denver. The airport serves commercial and general aviation. Commercial service is offered by American, Delta, Southwest and United to Atlanta, Denver, Dallas, Chicago, Newark, LaGuardia, Houston, Phoenix and San Francisco with many daily non-stop flights. The surrounding area is well-known for spectacular scenery and outdoor recreation, such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, golf, horseback riding and more.
The airport experienced record passenger traffic in 2021 rebounding from the shutdowns during COVID19, as shown below, and continued growth is anticipated for years to come.
Exposure to advertising is not limited to arriving and departing passengers. Annual events, such as Tribute to Aviation are free and open to the public, bringing several thousand additional visitors through the airport.
The current 40,000 square foot passenger terminal is open daily, approximately 4:00 AM to 10:00 PM (subject to change depending on flight schedules). Features include airline ticket counters with self-check-in; TSA Pre-Check; 9 rental car firms; 2 restaurant/gift shops and coffee shop; complimentary Wi-Fi, device charging stations and wide screen TVs; family care facility; and secure parking.
Montrose Regional Airport is currently under a terminal expansion project which includes 8,000 square feet of renovation adding two new restaurants and extra hold room area. The north addition will consist of 25,000 square feet including a second story and the addition of two new gates as well as a new baggage claim and bar area. The south addition will consist of an extra 5,000 square feet and extra ticket counters. The assigned commercial advertising area is throughout the terminal, in busy public areas near restaurants, rental car counters, arriving passenger’s gates, and baggage pick-up (see Attachment 1 – Passenger Flow). Once the terminal expansion has been completed exact advertising space can be further discussed. Electronic display boards provide flight, weather and local information to travelers, but do not contain advertising and are not part of this RFP. New areas for advertising can be visited upon completion of the terminal expansion.
Montrose County wishes to contract with an experienced, qualified firm capable of organizing, marketing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a high quality in-terminal advertising program within the assigned public areas. The awarded firm may suggest additional advertising areas to Airport Management for approval. Current advertising consists mainly of electronic static, moving graphic, magazines and brochures. The airport welcomes additional media formats that are innovative, high quality, aesthetically pleasing, and representative of the area. The overall goals are to 1) attract 80% local or regional and 20% national advertisers using rates appropriate to the area and aggressive sales efforts, 2) generate effective, innovative, and attractive advertising for optimal revenue, and 3) ensure that 80% of advertising space is filled by the end of the first contract year.
To qualify for award, responding firms must have, at a minimum:
• Five (5) years of experience in providing advertising services
• Demonstrated ability to plan and provide innovative, quality advertising displays
• No outstanding judgments or bankruptcies within the past 5 years
• Sufficient staff to meet the Airport’s advertising objectives
• Ability to maintain and provide accurate records of advertising efforts and revenues
The Concessionaire shall:
• Submit a project plan within three (3) weeks of contract commencement and update it annually
• Submit quarterly reports and payments as detailed below
• Submit a brief annual summary of efforts and results at Montrose Regional Airport
• Design, supply and maintain quality displays in good taste, aesthetically pleasing, and consistent with airport standards. Excluding brochures and periodicals, all displays must be at least 4’6” x 3’ and sized appropriately based on location. Resolution, refresh rates, aspect ratio, and other electronic considerations shall be best-in-class based on content being displayed.
• Cover all expenses for planning, implementing, operating and maintaining displays
• Respond promptly and professionally to airport and client communications
• Develop a standard advertising contract for clients for approval by Airport Management
• Furnish graphic guidance to advertisers; provide all graphics as submitted by the advertiser
• Supply sufficient staffing for local, regional and national advertising
• Obtain layout and design approval from Airport Administration, providing a final electronic copy, before installing or relocating any display