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The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges (UHCC) is a statewide system of seven separately accredited institutions which is part of the larger ten-campus University of Hawai‘i System. UHCC annually serves more than 24,000 credit students which consists of a mix of traditional and non-traditional, full-time and parttime, and provides an accessible, affordable, and high-quality education in a variety of programs from career and technical education to liberal arts. UHCC also serves its communities and industries by offering a variety of short-term, non-credit training classes for individuals to be skilled up to successfully fill high-demand jobs in Hawai‘i.


To develop a digital advertising strategy to promote the University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges (UHCC). The contractor shall develop an advertising plan, coordinate media buying services, and place ads on various digital media platforms, to increase the number of students who enroll at the seven UHCC campuses. Targeted audiences include:

A. High school graduates

B. “Stopped out”/returning adults students who are not currently attending (also referred to as “returning” students)

C. Current college students attending a UH Community College D. Populations underrepresented in higher education: Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, economically disadvantaged.


A. Shall have extensive experience working with higher education institutions developing recruitment, marketing and brand awareness campaigns.

B. Shall have prior experience in developing successful marketing campaigns using multiple digital media platforms including targeted display ads, video pre-roll, live stream, geofencing, search engine marketing, social media (Facebook/Instagram), YouTube, music streaming and other platforms.

C. Shall have experience in measuring progress and success of digital marketing campaigns.

D. Shall have experience in marketing to mid/later adolescents (ages 16- 20) and/or mid-career (ages 30-45) populations in Hawai‘i.

E. Shall have experience effectively employing innovative, digital marketing strategies in targeting specific audiences as mentioned in Section 2.2 Objective.


A. Develop a comprehensive digital media plan, including using digital display ads, video pre-roll, YouTube, search engine marketing, mobile geofencing, music streaming and social media platforms while incorporating specific targeted strategies tailored for the seven individual UHCC campuses.

B. Manage the media planning, negotiation and placement of schedules for all digital advertising efforts to include digital display ads, video pre-roll, YouTube, search engine marketing, mobile geofencing, music streaming and social media platforms.

C. Develop a master calendar for key advertising placement based on the admission and onboarding deadlines established by the UHCCs.

D. Work with UHCC to develop and refine messaging to be used in statewide media campaign. Include specific recommendations and strategies to enhance our campaign.

E. Provide recommendations and guidelines for the seven UHCC campuses to supplement the statewide campaign with their own media campaigns.

F. Create an evaluation plan for measuring progress and success of the proposed digital marketing strategies. Review metrics with the UHCC team monthly and tweak plan if needed to achieve objectives.

G. Schedule bi-weekly meetings with UHCC marketing team to provide updates on media campaign progress and address any concerns or changes. Also provide access to senior leadership and/or project managers by phone, email, online and in-person meetings at vendor’s expense.

H. All creative services materials (digital ads, emails, video pre-rolls, etc.) shall be created and provided by UHCC to execute the media plan. Other creative elements may be proposed in the plan by vendor if applicable

Contact: Kurt Minato

Due Date: 2:30 p.m., March 27, 2025

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