Point of Contact: Michael Carrara –

Submit Sealed 303-866-4293 

Proposals to :

Proposal Due: April 12, 2024 at 3:00 PM Mountain Time 

LINK: file:///C:/Users/cbettencourt/



On behalf of the State of Colorado, the Colorado State Historical Society, dba History Colorado is

issuing this Request for Proposals for America 250 – Colorado 150 Commission Public Relations



In 2026 the United States of America and the State of Colorado will mark two important

milestones: the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and Colorado’s

150th anniversary of statehood. These twin anniversaries present the people of Colorado with an

opportunity to engage more fully with our past and look toward a shared future.

The America 250 – Colorado 150 Commission, housed within History Colorado, was created by

Senate Bill 2022-011. The Commission consists of 15 Commissioners who have been directed to

develop and promote plans for commemorative activities between July 1, 2025, and December 31,

2026. History Colorado is the state fiscal agent of the Commission.


The commission will identify, celebrate, and build knowledge around the history of Black

communities, Indigenous communities, communities of color, women, and people with disabilities.

In addition, the commission is required to ensure that the activities planned by the commission

represent the geographic and demographic diversity of the state, are accessible to people with

disabilities, and are accessible to communities throughout the state on an equitable basis.

This commemoration will be marked by a series of events, initiatives, and educational programs

throughout the country, including but not limited to:

● Historical activities

● The creation and publication of historical documents

● Cooperation with agencies responsible for the preservation of historical sites, buildings, art,and artifacts

● Educational opportunities for Colorado youth to understand their historic roots in the United States and Colorado

● The promotion of scholarship and research that illuminates the history of the American West and Colorado within the larger story of the United States

● The arrangement of appropriate public ceremonies

● Commemorative events, supported by a comprehensive marketing and tourism campaign

The Commission seeks the services of a public relations firm in order to create an effective

statewide outreach strategy. A public relations firm will be key in ensuring that citizens throughout

Colorado are informed about 250-150 commemorative events, including statewide, regional, and

local events.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to select a public relations firm with the expertise,

experience, creativity, and statewide reach necessary to promote and enhance the public image of

the Commission as well as increase public awareness of the upcoming twin anniversaries in 2026.

The America 250 – Colorado 150 seeks to engage a public relations firm beginning in Q1 2024, and

anticipates the need for public relations work through December 31, 2026.

Fiscal Agent:

History Colorado is the state fiscal agent of the America 250 – Colorado 150 Commission, as the

Commission is housed in History Colorado. The successful public relations team will work in

partnership with History Colorado’s Marketing and Communications team on a public relations


Program Description–Commission-Led Signature Initiatives:

The America 250 – Colorado 150 Commission is thrilled to have endorsed several signature

initiatives, which they will present to the people of Colorado in 2026. Commissioners will work

closely with state agencies, industry leaders, and other stakeholders to create and develop these

initiatives, which are designed to encourage statewide participation in the 2026 commemorations.

Broad public awareness of these efforts and robust public participation with signature initiatives

will be imperative to this project’s success.

The Commission is seeking earned media placements around the key elements listed below. We

look to the the selected public relations firm to focus resources around the promotion, awareness,

and public participation in these signature initiatives, which include but are not limited to:

Creating Memorable Public Experiences

● The sesqui semi-quincentennial commemoration will feature opportunities for communities to come together, celebrate, and experience something new. For example, the Commission will investigate hosting a statewide drone show

● To encourage families and Colorado youth to explore our state, the Commission will embark on a statewide passport program, where visitors to each site will learn about

Colorado’s shared history, diverse communities, and unique geography

● The Commission will provide communities with opportunities to share individual and regional knowledge through a statewide storytelling initiative

● The Commission will seek to mark these anniversaries with the creation of new public art pieces

Commemorating our Shared History

● The Commission will support a variety of museum efforts for the 2026 commemoration. Possibilities include major exhibitions, traveling exhibitions, and digital exhibitions

● The Commission supports the creation of new scholarship and the publication of new books on Colorado’s complete history

● The Commission will support the creation of instructional materials to teach American history by highlighting Colorado history

● The Commission will invest in updating existing and adding new roadside markers throughout the state of Colorado. In addition to roadside markers, the Commission will seek to highlight complete local history through historical signage in parks, trails, and other urban landscapes

● The sesquisemi- quincentennial celebration in Colorado provides an opportunity to increase representation on the Colorado Register of Historic Properties, and the

Commission will support this work.

Supporting Colorado Communities

● The Commission will seek to create grants for commemorations and celebrations hosted by communities throughout Colorado. The details of this are to be determined, but revenue from branded merchandise will provide a major funding source for the grants program.

● The Commission may also consider other programs

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