Austin, Texas Public Health Office Issues Public Relations RFP

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The City of Austin, Austin Public Health (APH) is seeking qualified media and marketing firms for the development and execution of media and marketing strategies to address identified barriers to enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).


SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamps, is a federal program administered through the State of Texas that exists to increase the purchasing power of low income individuals for food. The program is an important resource to reduce food insecurity and hunger.

Scope of Work

Develop marketing personas to highlight key attitudes and beliefs of priority populations most impacted by the SNAP gap in Travis County, as well as media channels to reach these populations. These priority populations will be determined by a research team that is currently conducting qualitative and quantitative research on the SNAP gap in Austin, and may include: People ages 60 years or older, legal immigrants, documented children of undocumented parents, the working poor, and other populations. This research team will provide the SNAP gap report to the marketing Contractor by August 31, 2017.

Creation of materials and campaign elements for each priority population: Creation of materials should be guided by the SNAP gap report and findings from SNAP gap research. The SNAP report will highlight key ways target populations consume information; the media campaign materials and elements should address those findings. The SNAP gap report should guide the development of campaign materials.

  • Pilot testing of campaign materials and messaging through focusgroups.
  • Execution of paid media and/or grassroots outreachcampaigns.
  • Leveraging earned media or public relationsstrategies

Develop a Media and Marketing Campaign Plan and Timeline

The Contractor shall produce a media and marketing plan that includes the following components:

  • Creative brief outlining the strategies to be utilized in the campaign, including types and mix of media platforms utilized, events/outreach and earned-media activities.
  • Detailed media and marketing timeline with lead time for APH and partner review, creative execution, material revision, and final production of any new or adapted creativematerials.

Materials Creation

  • This initiative will use direct-to-consumer advertisements and other communications to increase awareness of SNAP and how to enroll in the program. The Contractor shall utilize culturally and linguistically appropriate practices including using plain, non-technical language, professionaltranslation and if possible, no greater than 5th grade reading level for any written materials created for the general public. Materials shall be produced in English and Spanish, and may be produced in other languages as recommended by the SNAP gap report.
  • At least two focus groups shall be conducted to pilot test media/marketing ideas and campaigns with members of the prioritypopulations.

Execution of Paid Media Strategies

Media/advertising shall be purchased in a variety of platforms, such as print/direct mail, online advertising including social media, or other channels. The Contractor will determine the most cost-effective mix of media to purchase to reach the populations that are identified as priority audiences for this campaign. The campaign shall reach low income households. In addition, the Contractor shall seek matching (leveraged) ratios of media time to media purchases (for example, utilization of Public Service Announcements or other free advertisements in addition to paid media).

Outreach and Events

Contractor shall participate in or plan events and grassroots marketing strategies to increase awareness of SNAP.


Based on a future timeline agreed upon between the Contractor and APH, the Contractor shall:

  • Create marketing personas to help guide campaign development for each of the priority populations identified through the SNAP gap research. The marketing personas shall be informed by the SNAP gapreport.
  • Develop a media and marketing plan, which includes the most effective methods of reaching the priority populations (such as radio, print, social media, events, etc.) The plan will provide detailed timeline for implementation. The plan shall be informed by the SNAP gap report.
  • Create campaign materials. Engage partners, such as the Central Texas Food Bank, for maximum participation and feedback on new or updated campaign materials.
  • Test campaign materials and campaign concepts through a minimum of two focus groups.

Implement media and marketing plan, and report monthly on campaign output measures including:

  • Number and reach of ads/spots/direct mail piecesissued
  • Number of outreach/grassroots marketing events and number of encounters during theseevents.
  • Number of flyers, banners, or other creative materials printed anddistributed

Submit summary report at the end of the contract period on total campaign reach/ads distributed, total events or grassroots marketing reach, leveraged media buys, news media coverage, and lessonslearned.

Due Date

August 8th 2017 to:


Marty James
Procurement Specialist II
Municipal Building,
124 W 8th Street, RM 308
Austin, TX 78701

PR firms who may be a fit for this assignment include Edelman PR and Ketchum PR.

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