Bees Seeking Public Relations Partner

oregon seeking public relations marketing and business agency

oregon seeking public relations marketing and business agency

State of Oregon is seeking a PR firm to work with the  Oregon Bee Project.

Oregon crops and bees have close, mutualistic relationships. About 200 crops produced in the state provide bee species with many sources of pollen and nectar throughout the growing season.  This high level of nutrition is necessary for bee health. In addition, the many hedgerows and natural areas bordering Oregon crop fields provide bees with ideal nesting habitats. In exchange for these benefits, many of the approximately 500 species of bees in the state are responsible for pollinating crops integral to our food supply and the state’s economy. The Oregon Bee Project (OBP), a project funded through the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, is a cooperative effort between the Oregon Department of Agriculture and a diverse set of collaborators working to foster and protect Oregon pollinators vital to the state’s production of specialty crops. This multifaceted project will involve field research, public outreach and education, and the creation of the Oregon Bee Stewardship Pilot Certification. The certification will be aimed at rewarding farmers who adopt bee-friendly practices.

Ultimately, the goals of the project are to a) gain concrete knowledge of Oregon specialty crop-pollinator associations, b) to educate the public, growers, and grower organizations about important Oregon pollinator species and the roles that Oregon crop diversity and specialty crops have in maintaining their overall health and abundance, and c) to promote stewardship of native and domesticated bees while providing value-added incentives to growers of specialty crops.  The OBP will begin Fall 2016 and end Fall 2019.

Scope of Work:

The Oregon Department of Agriculture will hire a contractor to complete the following:

  1. Facilitate OBP stakeholder engagement activities and communications. Detailed contractual requests/obligations are outlined below.
  2. Contractor will be hired to work with ODA staff to facilitate OBP advisory meetings and outreach events.
  3. Contractor will be hired to work with ODA staff to recruit agencies and individuals with expertise in the areas of land management, integrated pest management, pollinator biology, pollination, pesticide toxicology, and farm management for OBP meetings and events.
  4. Contractor will be hired to help manage communications between the ODA, Oregon State University (One of the OBP’s main collaborators) and OBP advisory committee members.
  5. Design and produce marketing, promotional, and educational materials.
  6. Contractor will be hired to work with ODA staff to create and design various printed marketing and promotional materials to promote the Oregon Bee Project.  These materials could include brochures, product booklets, flyers, product information cards, and various other pieces.  Contractor will conceptualize ideas, design and create graphics and layout of materials, assembly of materials, and printing and production of materials.
  7. Contractor will be hired to work with ODA staff to create and implement a communication plan that potentially includes news releases for TV and Print and a social  media campaign.
  8. Conceptualize and design an online presence and interface for the Oregon Bee Project.
  9. Contractor will be hired to work with the ODA to create and design an online presence/interface for the OBP on Weebly or a similar user-friendly platform.

Due Date:

June 22, 2017 to:

Melissa Esser, Procurement and Contract Specialist

635 Capitol Street NE

Salem, OR  97301

Maybe strong firms for this could include Kwittken PR or Shift Communications.

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