Will British Columbia PR Seek Shift Communications?

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The Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC) in British Columbia, Canada is seeking a marketing program.The LCIC was created in 2010 as a result of a partnership between the City of Rossland, City of Trail, Village of Warfield, Village of Montrose, Village of Fruitvale and electoral areas A & B of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. The LCIC works collaboratively with the communities in the Lower Columbia region, local agencies, organizations and businesses to develop and implement strategies that will assist in strengthening the local economy. The LCIC shares information with potential investors, existing businesses, and other service proponents to advance local projects and economic priorities and attract new investment by promoting the region’s competitive advantages.

Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation in BC, Canada

LCIC is the regional economic development agent that supports and drives growth and prosperity in the Lower Columbia region. LCIC is interested in targeting business sectors that align and complement existing regional businesses and can make a substantive contribution to the local economy. The LCIC actively promotes the LCR as an appealing business location that has a strong, positive sense of place with extraordinary quality of life, incredible recreation, motivated business leaders around land development, regional support that accommodates a broad range of businesses, and as a community open to industry.

Request for Marketing Proposal

The LCIC is requesting creative proposals for a marketing program specific to the above mentioned industrial lands. The proponent will ensure the Industrial Lands Investment Attraction Marketing plan aligns with the region’s Foreign Direct Investment strategies, BRE report, and Industrial Land Inventory by maximizing resources and leveraging regional Economic Development and LCIC activities. The program will provide the opportunity to gain knowledge of potential investors needs and strengthen LCIC’s relationships in the investment arena. Gaining exposure for the region and its investment opportunities will build connections resulting in opportunities, referrals, potential partnerships or requests for services.

Goal of Marketing Program

The goal is for the LCR Industrial Lands to be top of mind for investors, companies looking to expand, site selectors and trade officials and to ultimately sell these two parcels of land.

Proposals due by June 17th to:

Terry Van Horn
Economic Development Officer LCIC

The Canadian PR scene is booming lately, with the purchase of Shift Communications by a major Canadian holding company, National PR.

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