California Department of Health Seeks Social Media PR firm

california department of public health public relations agency and social media marketing campaign

California Department of Public Health is seeking an agency for a social marketing campaign to support the Champions for Change Program.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in partnership with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), provides Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) funds to State Implementing Agencies (SIAs) including CDPH to provide nutrition education to low-income consumers on how to make healthy choices within a limited budget. CDPH SNAP-Ed Program creates innovative partnerships to empower low-income Californians to increase consumption and access to healthy foods and beverages, reduce consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages, and increase physical activity with the goal of preventing obesity and other related chronic diseases.

The CDPH SNAP-Ed Program has grown since 1997 to be the largest and most diverse nutrition and physical activity initiative in the country. The passage of the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids (HHFK) Act of 2010 provided an opportunity to transition the SNAP-Ed Program into a nutrition education and obesity prevention program and allowed community and public heath approaches to decrease obesity rates and obesity-related chronic diseases in California. California’s lower-income households are significantly impacted.

CDPH SNAP-Ed Champions for Change Program uses social marketing principles and techniques to influence voluntary behavior change for the benefit of the low-income families. The Champions for Change Program will develop up to three new social marketing campaigns with CDPH SNAP-Ed Program designated Media, Advertising, and Public Relations (MA&PR) Contractor during Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018, 2019, and 2020. The MA&PR Contractor that is awarded from this proposal will work with the CDPH SNAP-Ed Program’s designated Research Contractor (RC) who will be awarded under a separate RFP process.

Scope of Work:

1) CDPH SNAP-Ed Program’s overarching goal is to prevent further increases in obesity rates and related chronic diseases among California’s low-income populations defined as those living in households <185% federal poverty level (FPL). The five strategies used to help reach this goal are as follows:

  • Increase access and consumption of healthy foods and beverages.
  • Decrease access and consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages.
  • Decrease the proportion of families who experience food insecurity.
  • Improve access to safe and appropriate physical activity.
  • Increase participation in regular, safe, and appropriate physical activity.

2) Services provided under this RFP should be comprehensive, statewide, and with strategic and cost-efficient marketing activities that maximize outreach to all qualified target audiences. As part of its social marketing program, the proposer is expected to provide services in five key areas: Strategic Planning, Production, Media Planning and Placement, Public Relations, and Account Management.

Due Date:

June 20, 2017.


Gina Jones, CCSU Analyst

California Department of Public Health

1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 74.226, MS 1802

Sacramento, California 95814

Strong healthcare PR agencies include Ketchum PR and Burson Marsteller.

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