California Department of Public Health Issues Media RFP

California Department of Public Health Issues Media RFP

This solicitation is intended to identify an agency that will provide media-based health communication, education, and marketing services for one year. California continues to face a serious public health crisis. California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is seeking a Proposer to provide services that will inform a public education campaign to address the unique risks and health needs faced by adults aged 50 to 85 about opioid use disorder, addiction, unintended overdose, and safer alternatives. The objectives of this media-based health communication, education and marketing services solicitation is to identify a proposer who possesses the skills and resources required to successfully accomplish the objectives of the Opioid Response and Awareness Campaign. Specifically, the campaign’s objectives are to increase education and information about the dangers of opioid prescription medications; while addressing the unique risks and health needs of the older adult population. The proposer agrees to provide to the CDPH the services described herein.


California continues to face a serious public health crisis. The state has approximately 2,000 annual opioid overdose deaths (70% involving prescription opioids), and 8,000 hospital and emergency department admissions. Prescription overdose deaths and emergency department visits are highest among the 50-64 age group and more prescription medications containing opioids are dispensed to older adults than other age groups. In 2017, approximately 600 older adults age 50 to 64 died from overdosing on opioids. California is making strides in implementing safer prescribing guidelines and informing the medical community of the risks associated with opioids. To parallel these practice shifts, consumers (patients and would-be patients) need information and education to understand the dangers of prescription opioids, the importance, and availability of alternative pain therapies, the shifting protocols, and practices around opioid prescribing and pain management, and the availability of treatment. Specific populations of consumers, like older adults, are more vulnerable and pose additional risks to developing an opioid use disorder, addiction, or unintended overdose. The

Scope of Work:

In collaboration with CDPH subject matter experts, the proposer will develop tailored messaging and creative concepts for the targeted population to raise awareness and educate about opioid addiction in California. Proposer will craft culturally and linguistically appropriate communication strategies that educate about risks and consequences of using and overusing opioids. The successful proposer will be responsible for providing effective branding, media planning, integrated health communications strategy development, and a strategic communications plan. Proposer will provide CDPH necessary levels of expertise, consulting, and materials to successfully create, design, produce, deliver and deploy various assets advancing a comprehensive opioid response and awareness campaign – with the special focus on the safe use and targeting multicultural, smaller, and vulnerable populations.

Leveraging CDPH’s “The Risks Are Real” campaign, CDPH seeks to develop a new campaign for vulnerable populations defined by epidemiological need and risk for adults age 50 to 85.

Contractor shall provide to the services described herein.

The Opioid Response and Education Campaign must meet the following five objectives in order to launch the informational campaign by Summer 2019:

  • Address the unique risks and health needs for the older adult population (persons age 50 to 85).
  • Increase education and information about the dangers of opioid prescription medications.
  • Encourage consumers to talk to health care providers about safer alternative options.
  • Encourage consumers to seek treatment for substance use disorders.
  • Develop messaging and media concepts that address other identified risks associated with opioid use disorder, addiction, or unintended overdose based on data collected from CDPH.

Remaining deliverables will be completed over the course of the contract.

After the announcement of the Contractor, a final scope of work will be developed in coordination with the Contractor which will detail the specific methods, tasks, deliverables, due dates, and other requirements of the contract. CDPH has the right to amend this Scope of Work (SOW) as necessary.

Task 1: Strategic Planning

1) Develop a Media and Communications Plan (MCP) for the entire agreement term. The MCP process will need to consider current creative and messaging developed by CDPH. The plan must cite the most current data available to show links with CDPH’s overarching objectives, other identified risks based on data collection from CDPH.

2) Prepare and submit a communications plan, including detailed deliverables, timeline, and budget. Strategies could include but are not limited to formative research, media outreach,  grassroots outreach, training, interactive media, public service announcements, and partnerships. Work with CDPH contract manager to approve the proposed communications plan. Communications plan may change after focus groups with prior approval from CDPH contract   Name of Contractor manager. Include a specifically targeted outreach plan including identification of target audiences and lists, creative concepts, media assets, and other content.

3) The contractor will work closely with CDPH subject matter experts and technical staff to identify and develop key messages, messengers, channels and products, based on science, for each of the defined objectives. The contractor will work with CDPH experts and existing data to identify key vulnerable populations. In working with CDPH, the contractor will review existing CDPH’s opioid information and education efforts to date, determine goals, evaluate new strategies and align stakeholders regarding the work ahead.

4) Propose additional media and communication elements to strengthen the overall information campaign.

5) Consistently assess similar opioid campaigns in other states. Assess key messages, target audiences, and research that pertains to outcomes related to each campaign.

6) Partner with CDPH to oversee quantitative media evaluation projects – most outcome evaluation will be handled internally by CDPH, however, in those instances when not directly involved, the contractor is expected to work closely with CDPH to understand the effectiveness of the campaign, areas of focus, and learnings to be applied to future campaigns. Provide all evaluation findings to CDPH.

7) Develop an itemized budget based on the final communication plan and submit a cost proposal.

8) Submit a timeline that details project deliverables by month.

9) Specific project deliverables are subject to change based on information received from the audience and key stakeholders during the formative research phase.

Task 2: Creative and Production

1) Develop and produce targeted creative messaging to launch by Summer 2019 to a key target audience(s)

  1. Work with CDPH subject matter experts and technical staff to enhance and develop key messages and creative concepts for digital, print, audio and video for the targeted population. Use research to identify optimal placement and development of other marketing materials. The campaign should include population-based strategies and customized efforts to reach high-risk and other California populations that are disproportionately affected by opioid use disorder, addiction, or unintended overdose.
  2. Test creative concepts and then specific messaging through online testing and in-person focus groups, polling, and other methods, prior to production. Prior to conducting formative research submit all materials in advance to CDPH for approval and direction. Provide CDPH with all final focus group research materials and reports. Detail the number of anticipated focus groups in the media and communications plan.
  3. All copyrights, in all media and data, in perpetuity, remain the property of CDPH. All materials, websites, social media content, etc. developed by the contractor for CDPH remains the property of CDPH upon conclusion of the contract.
  4. Incorporate new media platforms arising from the emergence of new and culturally appropriate, wide-spread networking technology, including digital.
  5. In collaboration with CDPH, identify and develop collateral support materials for local use to expand the reach of the campaign, including updating and repurposing creative assets for local use and disseminating materials.
  6. Provide citations used to substantiate any facts used in any creative to CDPH for review and approval.
  7. Develop messaging and media concepts that:
  • Address the unique risks and health needs for vulnerable populations defined by epidemiological need and risk, in particular by persons age 50 to 85.
  • Increase education and information about the dangers of opioid prescription medications.
  • Encourage consumers to talk to health care providers about safer alternative options.
  • Encourage consumers to seek treatment for substance use disorders.
  • Develop messaging and media concepts that address other identified risks associated with opioid use disorder, addiction, or unintended overdose based on data collection from CDPH.

Task 3: Media Planning and Placement:

1) Develop and implement a strategic and diverse media plan based on the approved MCP for the selected campaign to reach a target audience.

2) The media plan will be tailored to each Designated Market Areas (DMA) based on market efficiencies that effectively reach the target audience in a manner that promotes education encourages sharing of educational messages, and answers questions for community members in the process of behavior change.

3) Provide a media plan recommendation for the development and placement of advertising based on internal and external research.

4) Negotiate, place, substantiate and evaluate media buy for proposed advertising flights. Implement media buys that utilize maximum negotiating methods to leverage deep discounts, bonus weight, media partnerships and/or added- value opportunities.

5) Provide post-buy analysis at the end of each buying cycle for all types of actual media placements to demonstrate the effectiveness of media placement.

Task 4: Account Management & Reporting

1) Manage and monitor all campaign activities, current personnel, and subcontractors responsible for activities for the entire contract term, and as specified. The outcome will be to ensure planning, deliverables, and budgets are met.

2) Prepare and submit monthly reports of all work in progress. Reports should include a summary of monthly activities as well as a list of open jobs and their status, copies of materials,         budget summaries, invoices, and other details as required by CDPH staff.

3) Develop a management and monitoring plan to keep CDPH apprised of all campaign activities.              Provide complete documentation for use in preparing reports on the campaign ’s implementation and outcomes. The contractor should be prepared to attend regular telephone status conference calls and meetings, and conduct at least quarterly presentations to CDPH staff in person.

4) To the extent permitted by law, provide masters of all approved advertising in forms to be determined by CDPH for the purpose of archiving and other legal uses.

5) Design, maintain and monitor a system for substantiating facts used in marketing and other communications. Obtain an internal legal review of finished advertisements prior to submission to    CDPH for approval. Provide copies of scientific studies, research, and calculations used in advertisements or promotions. Ensure the validity of the facts and consistency of their use.

6) Develop a timely project-specific wrap-up report for all public relations activities as requested detailing the effort from implementation to the results, including recommendations for continued leveraging of the activity.

Due Date:

November 1st


California Department of Public Health

Leslie Mosley, Contract Analyst

1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 262, MS 1802

Sacramento, California 95814

Agencies worth considering are Ketchum PR and W2O Group.

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