Canada Council of the Arts Seeks Video Production Company

This request for proposal (RFP) invites contractors with expertise in the delivery of video production and postproduction services for three video projects to the Canada Council for the Arts (the Council). CCA/Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO)


The Canada Council for the Arts is Canada’s national public arts funder, with a mandate “to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts.” The Council champions and invests in artistic excellence through a broad range of grants, services, prizes and payments to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations. Its work ensures that excellent, vibrant and diverse art and literature engages Canadians, enriches their communities and reaches markets around the world.

The Council also raises public awareness and appreciation of the arts through its communications, research and arts promotion activities. It is responsible for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO which promotes the values and programs of UNESCO in Canada to contribute to a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable future. The Canada Council Art Bank operates art rental programs and helps further public engagement with contemporary arts.

For more information in regards to the above-mentioned, please refer to Council’s following websites:

–              Canada Council for the Arts:

–              Public Lending Right Program:

–              Art Bank:

–              CCUNESCO:

Scope of Work:

The specific tasks, activities, deliverables and deadlines, as well as progress of the project will be determined by the Project Lead during contract negotiations. The Project Lead will negotiate with the Contractor regarding the level of effort (number of days), nature and scope of each task.

Tasks include:

1)            meeting with CCUNESCO representatives and carrying out the project planning phase (meetings can be held by teleconference);

2)            providing the background music, as well as the opening and closing frames;

3)            providing the video transcription, once the editing of the videos is approved;

4)            allowing time to perform four (4) series of changes for each video at no additional cost to CCUNESCO;

5)            designating a project manager who will be responsible for all activities performed by the Contractor;

6)            performing the work entrusted within the set deadlines;

7)            notifying CCUNESCO in writing when a deadline for completion of the project cannot be met, and waiting for its written approval before postponing a due date;

8)            notifying CCUNESCO in writing when additional costs may be incurred due to changes in scope and waiting for written approval before postponing a due date;

9)            assuming responsibility for all equipment, material, supplies, services, software, tools and work instruments required to perform the work;

10)          monitoring quality assurance for all deliverables;

11)          liaising with CCUNESCO and any other stakeholder designated by CCUNESCO as part of discussions, project reviews and other relevant activities related to project management during normal office hours;

12)          obtaining all the underlying rights for all written material, video footage, photographs, drawings, animation material or creation or acquisition rights, including artists, music and special effects, as well as the software license rights for the following and proving that it possesses these rights for the presentation of said production by any means existing or to be invented, which includes postponements and copies;

13)          delivering the presented videos in the required format, as well as the transcriptions and text of the coded captions and description required for YouTube; and

14)          providing the final deliverables within the approved timeframe of each project.

Due Date:

February 2, 2018


Strong firms in this arena could include Hunter PR or Ruder Finn.

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