Central Washington University Request for Proposal Digital Marketing Services

Central Washington University

Proposals Due: August 11, 2023 3:00 PM (PST)

2.1 Purpose of Proposal: Central Washington University seeks to contract with one or more qualified vendor(s) for the purchase of digital marketing services The purpose of this competitive procurement process is to assist the University in establishing a roster of highly qualified digital marking companies who will best meet the University’s needs. The University reserves the right to negotiate with the successful vendor(s) to contract for other associated services. The University also reserves the right to award multiple contracts. Stated within this RFP are instructions for submitting proposals, scope of work, and criteria by which a vendor will be selected, and the contractual terms by which the University proposes to govern the relationship with the selected vendor. The RFP provides vendors a means to present their qualifications and abilities for an objective review.


4.1 Scope of Work:

The University seeks to contract with multiple qualified vendor(s) for the purchase of high quality, prompt, and cost-effective digital marketing services on an as-needed basis. The University is interested in services such as, but not limited to:

  • Campaign consultation
  • Design and video services
  • Search Engine marketing
  • Web Search Engine optimization
  • Paid Ad placements on various platforms including (but not limited to) Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktoc, Snapchat, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
  • Measurement analytics – such as when ads are viewed and interacted with

Vendors are encouraged to display creativity in their response by including value added options to enhance the offer to the University. Contracted vendors will be required to work with the University to control logo usage and ensure that graphics conform to the University’s brand identity standards.

The University reserves the right to negotiate with the successful vendor(s) to contract for other associated services. The University reserves the right to contract with other vendors not on the Digital Marketing Vendor Roster. CWU does not guarantee a specific amount of digital marketing services under this RFP.


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