Child Nutrition Programs Marketing & Outreach Services Alabama State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs


Inquiries and response submissions related to this RFP are to be addressed to:

Cindy Gillespie

Office of Operations


Deadline: Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 11, 2024

Web link: file:///C:/Users/cbettencourt/Downloads/COMM_RFP_202425_2024-04-Child-Nutrition-Programs_v1.0.pdf

Purpose and Background


The purpose of the RFP is to solicit competitive, sealed proposals for marketing and community outreach services for the following United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) programs administered by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) Child Nutrition

Programs (CNP) section: the National School Lunch Programs (NSLP), Child and Adult Care Food

Program (CACFP), the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), The Emergency Food Assistance

Program (TEFAP) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) statewide and in target counties.

The objectives of these outreach efforts are to increase public awareness of program operations throughout the state of Alabama; to ensure that the program resources reach those underserved communities; to promote access to health, nutrition education and nutritious meals to all Alabamians who are in need.

The outreach desired will be consistent with the image and style of ALSDE CNP branding (Break for a

Plate Alabama) and will include but not limited to:

• Internet/Online and Other Electronic Marketing: Targeted ad campaigns utilizing the current Break for a Plate Alabama website, social media, music, audiobook and professional training platforms, email, newsletters, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine

Optimization, diverse audience ads, remarketing, video ads, and geofencing marketing, which are used to disseminate time sensitive information, promote outreach activities to highlight program operators services, locations of sites for meal pickup or other food assistance, provide program information and other resources for participants of the services and potential providers of the services. Develop a plan to creatively use other types of media to enhance all outreach activities.

• Outreach Materials: Utilizing Break for a Plate logos, designed specifically for each program, to produce tangible marketing and advertisement materials and resources.

• Broadcast Television: The production of 30 second/one-minute commercials for use on major broadcast networks, and online television platforms (Hulu, Prime, Spectrum, etc.)

• Targeted Marketing: Billboard. Radio, and television marketing campaigns for each program in

selected targeted counties based on the following timeframe: NSLP/CACFP/TEFAP/CSFP (yearround) and SFSP/SSO (May, June, July). Create opportunities for on-air interviews and radio commercials informing the public of the available programs.

• Billboards: To optimize premium visibility, traditional billboards at strategic streets and intersections in targeted counties/cities and near prominent venues around the state.

• Radio: From 30 second/one-minute advertisements to possible sponsorship on a diverse variety of

radio broadcasts, the radio campaign needs to reach wide audiences with positioning on multicultural radio platforms, and be available both in English and Spanish, depending on the primary audience of the station.

• Translation Services – Ability to translate existing sponsor resources and any developed materials, ads, websites, etc., into languages other than English to assist with targeted outreach services in those diverse communities.

• Marketing Merchandise: ALSDE CNP collateral, including but not limited to apparel, promotional items (mouse pads, pens, wristbands, etc.)

• Graphics – Develop and implement new graphics to enhance existing “Break for a Plate” materials and resources.

• Training/Workshops/Conferences/Meetings – Create materials such as press releases, email templates and presentations to advertise these type events through email, social media, and other available channels.

2.2 Scope of Alabama State Department of Education’s Work and Responsibilities

• ALSDE CNP will work closely with the vendor to facilitate operations, that enhance existing programs without interruption to applicant services.

• Develop an application process for participant selection.

• Coordinate locations and dates with awarded vendor.

• Information for services will be provided by USDA and ALSDE

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