City of Austin, Texas Issues RFP For Media Initiative

City of Austin Texas Issues RFP For Media Initiative

City of Austin Texas Issues RFP For Media Initiative

The City of Austin Public Health Department (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) requests proposals from qualified media and marketing firms (hereinafter referred to as the “Firm”) to provide expertise and assistance in 1) Development of a media and marketing plan for chronic disease prevention and 2) Obtaining media placement and purchase media through a variety of outlets to reach the Austin County population, with strong focus on populations who suffer disproportionately from the burden of chronic disease. The media campaign shall be evidence-based, have broad reach, and use powerful, effective advertising messages to motivate and educate individuals who live in Austin/Travis County to prevent and manage chronic diseases.


Austin Public Health (APH) promotes and protects a healthy community using best practices and community partnerships. The Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Program (CDIP) exists to inspire Austin and Travis County residents to adopt healthy lifestyles by modeling healthy behaviors, preventing and managing chronic disease, and promoting policy, systems, and environmental change. CDIP brings together local coalitions, businesses, non-profits, schools, and everyday people to create lasting changes that make it easier for everyone to be healthier.

Tobacco use is the most common cause of preventable death in Travis County, accounting for 15% of all deaths, or 778 lost lives, in 2015–more than alcohol, motor vehicle crashes, HIV/AIDS, crack, heroin, cocaine, suicides, homicides and fires combined. In Travis County, 14% of adults currently smoke, and 20% use some type of tobacco product. Though young adults 18-24 years old have a lower prevalence of smoking (10%) than Travis County, young adults 25 to 34 and 35 to 44 have the highest prevalence of smoking of all age groups at 16% and 17%, respectively. More than 80% of adult smokers begin smoking by 18 years of age, with 99% of first use by 26 years of age. Thus, addressing smoking while adults are still young has the potential to achieve earlier cessation and mitigate the long-term effects of smoking. In Travis County, 70% of smoker’s report that they want to quit, and 59% have tried to quit within the last year. Travis County residents who want to quit smoking and using tobacco need resources and support for their cessation efforts.

Scope of Work:

Firm’s Responsibilities:

Firm shall furnish all necessary services, qualified personnel, materials, equipment, and facilities to provide the following deliverables. The firm shall develop a comprehensive community and partner-based communication and marketing plan to deliver actionable disease prevention and health promotion information, messages, and interventions to the Austin/Travis County community.

Develop A Marketing Campaign Plan:

The Firm shall produce a marketing plan that includes the following components:

-Create and develop campaign plan and measurable objectives that meet the goals outlined by APH.

-Identify and create profiles of key audience segments (Austin/Travis County) for each campaign objective.

-Identify what healthy choices and options the target audiences will be engaged to move towards

-Create creative messages for the campaign, including advertising, paid media, social media, and earned-media activities.

Tobacco Prevention And Cessation:

For the tobacco cessation component  of  the campaign, APH already owns a wealth of evidence-based creative assets, and it is expected that few, if any, new materials will be required.

Chronic Disease:

For the chronic disease prevention component of the campaign, APH already owns a wealth of evidence-based creative assets, and it is expected that few, if any new materials will be required.

REACH Grant:

If awarded, for this component, local campaigns owned by APH will be utilized, as well as successful national campaigns, including Tips from Former Smokers. Although this might be similar to the Tobacco prevention and cessation component mentioned above the messaging plans shall be maintained for grant reporting purposes.

– The Firm shall use APH’s wellness identity (i.e. logo and tagline) that unifies campaign messages, and positions the positive value of the campaign for residents of Austin/Travis County. By creating a coherent identity for prevention and wellness, the campaign will help connect and coordinate multiple existing campaigns aimed at improving health-related behaviors (e.g. quit tobacco), and promoting supportive policies, environments, and systems changes. In addition, Firm shall co-brand and locally tag all nationally produced campaign advertisements and materials with locally (Austin/Travis County) relevant information and resources. Approvals will be required from various agencies for the co-branding, and all messages using APH’s wellness identity will require APH Contract Manager’s approval.

-Identify the types and quantities of creative assets required to execute the strategies – in particular, a description of existing advertising materials appropriate for the campaign. There are many resources currently available from APH’s Healthy Places, Healthy People and Live Tobacco Free  Austin campaigns, and CDC Media Resource Center (MRC). The Firm shall have access to utilize these and is also propose additional resources that align with the Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention program’s initiatives, with approval from APH.

-Include a media budget by campaign and broken down by media type.

-Firm shall provide a formal presentation of marketing plans to relevant City stakeholders, subject to APH approval.

-Firm shall make any edits and submit an updated marketing plan electronically for review and approval to APH Contract Manager.

Develop A Work Plan To Implement The Campaign:

The Firm shall develop a separate work plan that describes all tasks in detail and establishes an implementation time schedule with lead times for APH clearance, partner review, creative execution, material revisions, final production, and delivery.

-Firm shall develop Work Plan for the campaign for APH approval, including confirming final paid media budget and desired media mix.

-Firm shall provide a formal presentation of Work Plan to relevant City stakeholders, subject to APH approval.

-Firm shall make any edits and submit an updated Work Plan for approval to APH Contract Manager.

Implement Media Plan:

The Firm shall implement the approved Media Plan.

-The Firm shall place media buy and negotiate added-value opportunities.


The Firm shall create campaign objectives that are feasible  and measurable. In particular, the Firm shall be responsible for compiling and reporting to APH Contract Manager. Frequency of reporting and targets for these measures will be determined after the Work Plan (see 5.1.2) is developed.

-The Firm shall submit a summary of each campaign performance, including, but not limited to impressions, click-thru rates, and video completion rate (as applicable for selected media types).

-The Firm shall participate in and give feedback on any outcome evaluation developed and conducted by APH, in relation to this project.

Due Date:

October 13th


City of Austin

Purchasing Office-Response Enclosed for Solicitation # RFP 9100- LNH3002

P.O. Box 1088

Austin, Texas 78767-8845

W2O group is a strong healthcare PR firm.

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