The City of Berkeley Seeks Media Firm


The City of Berkeley is soliciting written proposals from qualified firms to  provide  community outreach and engagement services for the Residential  Shared  Parking  Pilot (RSPP)  project.


The City of Berkeley (hereinafter referred to as the “City”), a densely populated community with over 116,000 residents, is home to the University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley City College, and many notable restaurants, businesses, and theaters. Once referred to as a “City of Homes,” Berkeley boasts a variety of vibrant, walkable, and attractive residential neighborhoods. Within the City’s commercial districts, parking meters are used to manage vehicular access to civic, retail, and entertainment activities. Within residential neighborhoods to the north, west, and south of the University of California campus, a Residential Preferential Parking (hereinafter referred to as “RPP”) permit program is used to protect on-street parking for residents, limiting non-permit holders to a two (2) hour time limit.

The City’s goBerkeley parking management program (“goBerkeley”) began in 2013 as a grant-funded pilot to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, public safety, and overall quality of life. The goBerkeley pilot took two (2) mutually-supportive approaches. First, the introduction of data-driven, demand-responsive parking pricing at on-street metered parking and City-owned off-street facilities in the Downtown Berkeley, Southside/Telegraph, and the Elmwood neighborhoods; and second, implementing a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program offering incentives for businesses and employees within the pilot districts to travel using options other than driving alone. The TDM program offered 1,000 free one (1) year AC Transit bus passes and discounted car sharing memberships, and while it increased transit use among some participants, the program was difficult to manage and did not continue after its one (1) year trial. The demand-responsive parking program, by contrast, was a success; and demonstrated that data-driven parking management could succeed in a mid-size city. As a result, goBerkeley became a permanent program in 2015. Using similar parking management principles, the Residential Shared Parking Pilot (hereinafter referred to as the “Pilot” or “RSPP”), aims to better manage the public parking supply within RPP areas to achieve a host of community goals.

Scope of Work:

The consultant’s key responsibilities will be the development and implementation of a community outreach and engagement strategy. Stakeholder information gathering, program communication, marketing, and branding are the core tasks of the community outreach and engagement consultant. The overall “look and feel” of the RSPP program and communication strategy will be guided by the work of the Consultant.

The Consultant will be part of a larger team that includes other consultants and City staff. In particular, the community outreach and engagement consultant will be expected to:

  • Attending RSPP program team coordination meetings;
  • Developing and implementing a community outreach and engagement strategy;
  • Planning and attending community outreach events;
  • Information gathering;
  • Developing program branding;
  • Developing program communication and marketing materials for public consumption; and
  • Evaluate RSPP’s impact on the community and overall community outreach and engagement strategy efforts.


The City’s goals for community outreach and engagement as part of the RSPP are to build civic trust, develop community relationships, better manage public expectations of the pilot, gather information to guide and determine successful delivery of the program, and utilize effective communication mediums to disseminate pilot related information. The aim of the RSPP is to be both a data and community driven initiative, directed by activities that will inform, consult and involve the community.

Furthermore, community outreach and engagement should be accessible by all and barriers to achieving equitable outreach and engagement should be addressed and overcome. The community outreach and engagement efforts of the pilot should reflect the full diversity of the people in the project area.

Due Date:

April 12, 2018


City of Berkeley

Finance Department/General Services Division

2180 Milvia Street, 3rd Floor

Berkeley, CA 94704

Zeno Group and Finn Partners have strong California offices.


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