City of Albuquerque Economic Development Marketing, Retention, and Expansion

Albuquerque Institute for Math & Science Issues Public Relations RFP

Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: February 2, 2024: NLT 4:00 p.m. (Mountain Time)

The City eProcurement System will not allow Proposals to be submitted after this date and time.


The successful Offeror shall provide either Retenion and Expansion and/or Marketing services as provided below, as well as the Performance Measures applicable to each. The Final Product requirements are applicable to both services. The additional agreements are applicable as noted.


A. Lead Generation. The successful Offerorshall provide responses to The

City’s inquiries with regional data on behalf of the City, conduct targeted outbound lead generation efforts, act as the host of site selection consultant tours; execute bi-monthly site selection consultant informational blasts; coordinate and execute inbound and outbound press trips; and align with the local brokerage community through formal partnerships.

(1)The successful Offeror shall provide industry cluster information to the City and develop a written plan for highlighting the strengths and potential weaknesses.

(2) The successful Offeror shall provide quarterly written reports to the City detailing its progress in implementing such plans through the Advisory Councils discussed below and at public programs and meetings upon request.

B. Commercial Space Development. The successful Offeror shall focus efforts on marketing to national developers and real estate investment trusts (REITs) to attract new investment to the Albuquerque metropolitan statistical area and will work to create a regional site readiness program. 

The successful Offeror shall consider input from the City on the creation of a regional site readiness program. Site readiness remains an essential part of Business Retention and Expansion strategy for the City.

C. Consultative and Data Services Support. The successful Offeror shall provide the City and its assigned representative(s) access to its online jobs board, business intelligence software, or other similar programs, online property database, demographic and community profiles, labor analytics database, economic impact modeling, and metro-comparable analysis tools free of charge. The successful Offeror shal deliver annual updates, reports and insights on topics such as competitiveness and economic indicators in the frequency and the format requested by the City.

D. Provision of Assistance. When requested and appropriate at the discretion of the City, the successful Offeror shall use its best efforts to provide assistance and support to the City’s Economic Development Department staff for business location prospects identified and qualified by the City and assist the City with presentations to prospects in the City. These efforts include working in partnership with the State of New Mexico Economic

Development Department (NMEDD) and the New Mexico Partnership.

E. Increment of One Needs Assessment. The successful Offeror shall meet  with at least 50 local companies within the Albuquerque metro area, including at least 40 economic base companies (the “Target Companies”), to discuss and document their business, their opportunities and challenges, and identify specific and realistic support mechanisms that the City can provide to help them retain, and ideally, expand their workforce by at least one full-time employee equivalent within the next year.The successful Offeror shall document this information in a written report which shall be submitted with the successful Offeror’s billing statements.

F. Navigator/Education. The successful Offeror shall educate Target Companies regarding the local, state, and federal programs and incentives that are available to them, including without limitation IRBs, LEDA funding,

Workforce Connection of Central New Mexico One-Stop centers, and Small Business Administration (“SBA”) lenders for SBA 504 loans, JTIP, High

Wage Jobs Tax Credt, Opportunity Zones, etc. The successful Offeror shall also assist the Target Companies in working with the City, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations that can assist the Target Companies’ growth.

H. International Trade. The successful Offeror shal coordinate with the City’s Economic Development Department and the New Mexico Trade Alliance on appropriate referrals for international trade assistance and create other strategies for businesses to compete in the international marketplace.

I. Employer Event. On behalf of and in coordination with the City, the successful Offeror shall initiate, organize and implement at least one event for local employers to educate businesses on resources and programs that will benefit their companies. The successful Offeror will invite at least 100 employers to the event. The topics will range from, but not be limited to: financing, technical assistance, government contracting assistance, hiring/training, and employee assessment tools. The City shall be recognized as a sponsor of the event in all marketing materials and during the event, as appropriate.

J. Information and Research. The successful Offeror shall investigate the

potential for acquiring information related to specific companies and organizations considering new locations; this could also be industry specific information or research. These information services may include, but are not limited to: research and company contact information; purchase of mailing lists; direct company contacts and appointment setting; and follow-up with prospective companies.

K. City Hall Connections. When possible and appropriate, the successful Offeror shall connect the Mayor’s Office and/or the Economic Development Department with companies located in the City that have a particular need and/or challenge or would benefit from direct outreach from the Mayor’s

Office and/or Economic Development Department in order to expand in, relocate to, or remain in Albuquerque.

L. Success Stories. The successful Offeror shall identify at least three (3) clients per calendar quarter to promote as success stories about local businesses assisted with this program and create collateral as required toshare these stories with internal and external stakeholders.

M. Reporting. The successful Offer shall provide timely updates on the number of Public Sector partner investment commitments and representatives. The successful Offeror’s staff will provide and present at a public meeting as requested by the City and will providean annual report to include the regional economic impact of strategic initiative results as contracted.

N. Participation in Marketing Events. Representatives of the City shall be entitled to participate in the successful Offeror’s marketing events provided that such participation shall not be at the successful Offeror’s additional expense.


A. The successful Offerorshall enhance the visibility of the Albuquerque metropolitan area with expanding companies, site selection consultants, corporate real estate executives, and remote workers in order to increase the frequency of Albuquerque’s inclusion in expansion/relocation considerations.

B. The successful Offeror shall create a marketing plan that includes:

(1) Goals for the number of leads requesting information

(2) Number of prospect visits

(3) Number of recruited companies

(4) Number of employees in newly recruited companies

(5) Amounts of new capital investment and

(6) Incorporating place-based strategies for recruitment

C. The successful Offeror shall identify and develop a recruitment strategy for eight specific industry sectors that have previously been identified as part of the City’s economic development recruitment strategy, based on factors including connection to the existing Albuquerque economy and the ability to attract competitors, customers, and suppliers related to such industries.

After the City has approved the proposed sectors, the successful Offeror shall provide an overview of industry sector, outreach efforts for the prior quarter in each progress report submitted, and goals for the quarter ahead.

These reports will not include any information that is protected by nondisclosure agreements or other confidentiality agreements between the successful Offeror and any private entity.

D. In cooperation with the Economic Development Department staff and other community partners, the successful Offerorshall assist with developing the appropriate local market information related to the target industry groups identified. The successful Offeror shall also assist with developing necessary and appropriate marketing materials to support their strategies.

E. The successful Offeror shall develop a plan to outline the conferences that should be attended by the successful Offeror, representative of the Economic Development Department, or Administration for the year that support the targeted industries:

(1) Aerospace/Aviation

(2) Film and Digital Media

(3) Bioscience

(4) Tourism/Outdoor Recreation

(5) International Trade

(6) Future Tech/Blockchain

(7) Advanced Manufaturing and

(8) Sustainable/Green Energy

F. Representative(s) of the City shall be entitled to participate in successful Offeror’s marketing events provided that such participation shall not be at successful Offeror’s additional expense.

G. The successful Offeror shall identify opportunities for key City Officials to attend marketing and promotional events, and coordinate and provide related travel and accommodations in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and policies.

H. The successful Offeror shall sustain a direct, relationship-based marketing program for site selection consultants and real estate advisors.

I. The successful Offeror shall leverage its national contacts and resources to seek and obtain opportunities for paid and earned placement of advertorials and other content related to the City’s desire to recruit economic base companies, remote workers, and key industry sectors.

J. The successful Offerorshall investigate the potential for acquiring information related to specific companies and organizations considering new locations.

These information services may include, but are not limited to: research and company contact information; purchase of mailing lists; direct company contacts and appointment setting; and follow-up with prospective companies.

K. The successful Offeror shallwill develop a recruitment strategy for eight specific industry for the City to follow to recruit businesses in the following sectors:

(1) Aerospace/Aviation

(2) Film and Digital Media

(3) Bioscience

(4) Tourism/Outdoor Recreation

(5) International Trade

(6) Future Tech/Blockchain

(7) Advanced Manufaturing and

(8) Sustainable/Green Energy

L. The successful Offeror shall work to elevate the profile of Albuquerque’s existing industry clusters for recruitment purposes and for promoting opportunities available with new and expanding companies. Activities may include:

(1) Co-sponsoring activities with the City and local research institutions that promote Industry Cluster development;

(2) Establishing relationships with Industry Cluster trade publications for coverage of Albuquerque’s cluster activities;

(3) Targeting specific companies within these Industry Clusters for recruitment; and

(4) Conducting recruiting trips and attending or exhibiting at conferences or trade shows to convey to potential employers the positive aspects of doing business in Albuquerque.

M. Members of the successful Offeror’s Board of Directors (if applicable) and staff will meet at least quarterly with the Mayor, monthly with the Chief Administrative Officer and Economic Development Department Leadership to discuss economic development recruitment strategies and practices and to assure that the successful Offeror and the City are working cooperatively and synergistically for quality job growth. Meetings shall be virtual and/or in person at the discretion of the City.

N. The hall successful Offerors work to elevate the profile of Albuquerque as a competitive and attractive location as a home base for employees who have the option with their companies to work remotely to move to with their families.

O. The successful Offeror shall secure a fifteen percent (15%) open rate for electronic newsletters to site selectors, corporate real estate professionals, and company decision makers. In addition, the successful Offeror shall secure a twenty-five percent (25%) open rate for all new and expanding company announcements.

P. The successful Offeror shall design and create five (5) ads with the City logo as needed by the City for use in trade publications. In addition, the successful Offeror shall create (8) eight Power Point Presentations for use in the recruitment of economic based employers, one for each new targeted industry: 1. Aerospace/Aviation, 2. Film and Digital Media, 3. Bioscience, 4. Tourism/Outdoor Recreation, 5. International Trade, 6. Future Tech/Blockchain, 7. Advanced Manufaturing, and 8. Sustainable/Green Energy within 8 months of the execution of the contract. All brochures should incorporate the Economic Development Department logo.

Q. The successful Offeror shall develop and produce paid advertising, branded materials, and special events to promote Albuquerque as an ideal business location for companies and remote workers.

R. The successful Offeror shall create eight (8) targeted brochures for use in the recruitment of economic based employers in the following industries. The successful Offeror shall create the brochures within eight (8) months of the execution of the contract. All brochures should incorporate the Economic Development Department logo.

(1) Aerospace/Aviation

(2) Film and Digital Media

(3) Bioscience

(4) Tourism/Outdoor Recreation

(5) International Trade

(6) Future Tech/Blockchain

(7) Advanced Manufaturing and

(8) Sustainable/Green Energy

S. The successful Offeror shall submit to the Economic Development

I Number of paid and earned advertorials or other content (monthly)

L Number of promotional opportunities for industry clusters (quarterly)

Q Number of paid advertisements (monthly)


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