The City of Burnsville welcomes proposals to provide consultant and lobbying services related to certain specific legislative initiatives.
In late 2018, the Burnsville City Council adopted a vision for the redevelopment of the current regional Burnsville Center site and surrounding area. This “Center Village Plan” serves to guide decision making, investments and priorities for transforming the district from all commercial into a feasible vibrant, high density mixed-use neighborhood. The aspirations for the redevelopment plan are to create new and constantly changing experiences that are responsive to the market and engaging to the community. Visit www.burnsvillemn.gov/redevelopment for more information about the project. The immediate opportunity to facilitate redevelopment begins at the Burnsville Center. This underutilized shopping mall is comprised of four different owners and has seen significant reductions in property values in recent years. The next step in the process to ensure adequate tools are available to facilitate redevelopment. Initial exploration and review of the building has determined that the Burnsville Center does not meet the blight criteria for creation of a redevelopment district. Therefore, the City is pursuing special TIF district legislation. Key to this request is for the Legislature to deem this site as meeting the substandard building and coverage qualifications of a Redevelopment TIF District. The City is seeking assistance from the consultant to strategize and engage with the City for successful adoption of special TIF legislation. Further, the City is seeking assistance from the consultant to refine additional preferred components for successful passage.
Scope of Work:
• Allow the City to create one or more TIF districts on certain parcels noted in the legislation.
• Exempt expenditures between any districts created through this special legislation on the noted parcels from the 25% pooling limit.
• All expenditures in the district(s) are deemed to meet the 90% test.
• Extend the 4-year rule to 10 years which requires that acquisition, demolition or public improvements occur on or adjacent to all the parcels within 4 years.
• Extend the 5-year rule to 10 years which allows 5 additional years for qualified redevelopment expenditures to occur that can be reimbursed with TIF due to the long-term nature of redevelopment.
• Exempt any district(s) created under the legislation from the Year 6 rule which requires that starting in this year, 75% of the TIF must go to pay for existing obligations that were expended in the first 5 years.
Due Date:
September 30, 2019.
Jenni Faulkner
Community Development Director
City of Burnsville
100 Civic Center Parkway
Burnsville, MN 55337