City of Carlton Tourism Committee Request for Proposals Social Media Support Services

City of Carlton

Proposals are due by 2:00 p.m. on May 11, 2024


The City of Carlton seeks Proposals for contracted social media support services from qualified individuals and/or firms to assist the City’s Tourism Committee manage its Tourism social media program.


The City of Carlton, Oregon invites proposals from qualified individuals or firms to provide marketing support services to manage the City’s Tourism social media program. Appointment of the individual or firm will be determined by the respondent’s experience, services provided and the cost for such services. The City’s objective is to select the individual or firm best qualified to:

1. Assist the City to maintain a social media presence to promote tourism (including

Facebook and Instagram)

through timely, engaging and relevant posts, management of header material, keeping up with changes

within both platforms and eliciting information from the community and target brand recognition for the


2. Consistently stream daily, weekly and monthly content to bring awareness about Carlton to promote

visitors to our community.

3. Use Facebook, Instagram and possibly other social sites to create new relationships and target new and existing audiences to encourage Carlton tourism.

4. Assist the City in building brand awareness and drive traffic to its website and events.

5. Assist the City in maintaining a tourism social media program strategy.



  1. At least 2 posts per week, with no more than 50% being reposts of material that is given to contractor by individual parties.
  2. To post on optimal days, and optimal times of day, to reach the highest number of viewers.
  1. Reach out regularly to community and businesses for their events and points of interest – email twice per month to stay top of mind.
  1. Check in monthly to the City for details on local events.
  1. Conduct frequent monitoring of all platforms to seek out engagement opportunities.
  1. Spend funds allocated by the City to boost posts.
  1. Every post must have a photo or logo (preferably a photo) and/or link to specific business (event page) or
  1. Do not use copyright photos.
  1. Must check all facts and spelling before posting.
  1. Contractor must be available to meet quarterly in Carlton with the Carlton Tourism committee to provide city staff with a monthly statistical report of that month’s social media activities. Frequency of meetings may be subject to change in the future.

Instagram Requirements

1. At least 1 post and 1 story per week – can be linked to FB page and share the same post.

2. All posts should have

3. To post on optimal days, and optimal times of day, to reach the highest number of fans.

4. Reach out regularly to community and businesses for their events and points of interest – email twice per month to stay top of mind.

5. Respond to post inquiries and comments.

6. Do not use copyright photos.

7. Must check all facts and spelling before posting.

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