Centralia, Missouri Issues Website RFP

City of Centralia, Missouri Issues Website RFP

City of Centralia, Missouri Issues Website RFP

The City of Centralia is seeking to update its website to enhance the user experience, simplify content management, and provide improved citizen-centric information and customer service to its community while meeting high standards for design quality and visual appeal. The City would like to decentralize content management by empowering our staff to easily create and manage website content in each City department under the oversight of the City Clerk and City Administrator. The City of Centralia seeks the assistance of an experienced company that can accomplish all the functionality identified in this RFP. The City also seeks a company that has the capability of integrating additional features and functionality that may be identified in the future. The experienced company should have a team of experts who understand local government, to help us achieve our vision – all while providing 24/7/365 support.


Centralia is the second largest City on Boone County, 30 minutes northeast of downtown Columbia. Centralia is in the northeast corner of Boone County – a first-class county. The 2010 US Census official population was 4,027. The 2016 estimate was 4,196. The City is growing having had 34 permit applications for new single-family residences so far in 2018 and 39 in 2017. The City is home to Hubbell Power Systems, the largest manufacturer in Boone County. Centralia is a Fourth-Class City with a Council-City Administrator form of Government. Centralia was the first Fourth-Class City in Missouri to adopt the City Administrator form of government. The City elects the Mayor at large by direct vote and he serves as the principal administrative official, but day-to-day operations are under the direction of the City Administrator. The Board consists of six Aldermen elected in staggered two-year terms from three wards.

Scope of Work:

The information below represents the required functional capabilities in the selected CMS. It is not all-inclusive, other functionality may be recommended or added. The City’s new website vendor must be able to provide at a minimum, the components shown.

  • Agenda Management – Upload existing, create new, categorize, approve and manage agendas
  • Alerts & Notifications – Display alerts prominently on the website with notifications sent via email and text messaging to subscribers
  • Archive Center – Store agendas, minutes, newsletters and other documents
  • Browser Based Administration – Update, delete and create content from any device with internet access
  • Calendar – Update/publish calendars for departments/categories with the main calendar to display all events
  • Citizen Sourcing Tools – Allow for citizen idea submission, discussion, voting, etc.
  • Content Scheduling – Set dates for content to automatically publish and expire
  • Departmental Home Pages – Ability for departments to have dedicated pages within the site with that follow the same design as the other interior pages
  • Directories for Staff and Businesses – Ability to allow citizens to search for staff or business information
  • Document Center – Upload/download capability for files up to 1GB, back-end ability to search within published and unpublished documents
  • Facility Management – Listings with maps, filtered search, and reservation capability
  • Frequently Asked Questions – Ability to categorize FAQs by department or page
  • Intranet/Extranet – Restrict pages by login
  • Levels of Rights/Permissions – Allow system administrators to establish levels of rights for staff to update/manage/access content based upon roles
  • Live Edit – Add, edit and move content directly on the front end of the site without the need to utilize or be trained in writing HTML or CSS code
  • Multilingual Support – Using Google Translate or similar
  • News & Announcements – Post news releases or updates dynamically to relevant pages based on category

Due Date:

November 15th



Makovsky PR and Dukas Linden have relevant experience.

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