The City of Linden is requesting legal proposals from qualified individuals and firms to provide (“contractor(s)” or “proposer(s)”) to provide project management and coordination services of a specialized nature to the City of Linden. Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria set forth in this RFQ. One or more individuals/firms may be selected to provide services.

The City, acting through its Office of the Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”), invites the submission of Qualifications in order to establish a firm of record with expertise and demonstrated experience in the development and implementation of a marketing and advertising municipal strategy, and to help promote the municipality and its offerings to residents and non-residents. The firm will assist the City in generating a marketing plan and strategy, the procurement of marketing and communications support services, creation of selected marketing materials, support services for public outreach activities, and other related marketing functions and work products, to enhance the integrity of the City’s image.

Services and deliverables may include the development and the marketing of the City’s brand.

It is important to note that the City is a distinct legal entity from contiguous or “sister” agencies, including Linden Public Schools, New Jersey Turnpike Authority, and New Jersey Transit. This RFQ relates solely to the City and its assets and services and does not encompass the City’s sister agencies.

This RFQ is being issued by the CFO as part of an organized and integrated effort to bring economic value to Linden taxpayers and residents through an enhanced marketing development plan. It is expected that the marketing program and its efforts will present a value proposition to citizens in terms of more consistent and effective municipal messaging, advertising and brand visibility.

Firms with demonstrated experience in brand marketing and advertising, online and digital marketing, etc., with an interest in making their services available to the City, are invited to respond to this RFQ.




1. CITY OF LINDEN FACTS AND FIGURES – The City of Linden is a municipal

governmental entity. The City was incorporated in 1925 and operates under N.J.S.A 40:41A-1 et seq.

The legislative authority and responsibilities of the City of Linden is vested in the elected 11-memberCouncil. The Governing Body sets policy, adopts the operating and capital budgets for the City,  enacts ordinances, and sets the direction of how the City of Linden will provide government services. 

The Mayor is the City’s chief executive officer and carries out the policies adopted by the Council.

The City’s population is estimated at over 42,233 consisting of an approximate area of 11 square miles.

The City employs approximately 684 people in about 25 departments and agencies. It owns administration buildings, courthouse buildings, recreation facilities, and parks. The City’s operating budget is approximately $120,196,649.10. It provides significant and diverse services to its residents, including those in the senior, disabled, veterans, and other communities.

2. NATURE/ SCOPE OF SERVICES – The City has launched a Municipal Marketing Initiative to enhance the City’s local, regional, national, and international status and visibility. To advance this Initiative, the City seeks a qualified firm to deliver municipal marketing, branding and advertising production, communication support consulting services, and implementation oversight to market and promote City assets.

The purpose of this initiative is to differentiate Linden from other suburban communities in the area by developing a brand which may be used to market the City to prospective businesses, developers, residents and visitors. The agency must create an image for Linden that can be easily and effectively utilized across multiple communicative mediums such as advertisements, signs, social media marketing materials, digital and conventional collateral and coordination with Linden’s newly established website.

The branding and marketing strategy developed should equip Linden with vital tools to help accomplish economic development goals of establishing a thriving downtown community.

The Consultant must have relevant successful experience in brand-development, brand marketing, and brand-management and the development of innovative programs that reflect the City’s goal of enhanced municipal visibility/viability in promoting the brand image of the City.

Description of Services

The objective of this RFP is to procure marketing and communications support services, creation of selected marketing materials, support services for public outreach activities, and other related marketing functions and work products. Services to be performed include:

A. Provide strategic marketing support for special projects including special projects related to municipal promotions and City events. This will include developing and providing a variety of promotional, publicity and advertising plans, communication and informational materials consistent with specifications provided by the City.

B. Provide advice and recommendations to City managers or City officials for development and implementation of designated marketing projects. Assist City entities and departments as assigned to provide approved marketing services (agencies include: City Council, Office of the Mayor, Department of Public Works, Department of Parks and Recreation, Linden Cultural & Heritage Committee. Linden Mayor’s Youth Commission, etc.).

C. Design, develop, and deliver promotional materials for designated City initiatives and events.

D. Provide advice and recommendations for citywide marketing strategies, and improving citywide brand awareness.

E. Provide advice and recommendations for City managers or officials to successfully design, develop and implement marketing projects and sponsorship projects by creating vehicles to share ideas, knowledge, and success stories.

F. Provide media training and consulting as requested.

The successful proposer will provide management for the requested services. The successful proposer will be experienced and knowledgeable in communications and marketing disciplines. The proposer will establish a team leader who will manage services provided under the resulting contract. The City will not accept any substitutions of the team leader or other key personnel except for substitutions required for reasons outside the control of the successful proposer and upon written approval by the City.

The successful proposer will be available on an on-call basis for any emergency situations.

Eventual use or marketing of any assets identified by Pre-Qualified Brokers are subject to the approval of the City, including a committee of various City officials that will determine whether marketing and branding services proposed by Brokers are appropriate and in the public interest., as well as rules to be of the Municipal Code. Some assets may be preempted from use due to existing contractual relationships, limitations due to tax exempt bond or grant funding restrictions for private use and some may be removed from consideration for some other reason. Any such preemption may be disclosed at any time during the contract by the City.

A preference will be given to a firm that is a certified Small Business Entity (SBE) with the State of New Jersey.


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